Hey SciFi, Comics, and Convention Fans! Wondering about WonderCon and want to know what is happening in San Francisco these days? Well here it is! Click the linked banner below to learn all about WonderCon being one of the largest conventions in the world featuring many studios like Disney Pictures, […]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES ANNOUNCES WONDERCON 2010 LINEUP STUDIO TO SHOWCASE “PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME,” “THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE” AND “TOY STORY 3” Jake Gyllenhaal, Jordan Mechner, Nicolas Cage, Jay Baruchel, Teresa Palmer plus Filmmakers Jerry Bruckheimer, Mike Newell, Jon Turteltaub and Lee Unkrich […]


Breaking News BSG, Caprica, Stargate, Fringe, and Sanctuary Fans, What new weekly episodic series has more Stargate SG-1, SGA, and SGU , Sanctuary, BSG, Caprica and Fringe stars in roles and guest star appearances than any other series? Of course that would be Human Target brought to us by FOX […]


Hey Stargate Universe Fans! Not to be let the SGU fans feel left out for the month end SciFi sweep, the creators of Stargate Universe MGM and their allies at NBC Universal and SyFy have released several fantastic promotional trailers for the return of SGU on April 02, 2010. More […]


Hey Finge Fans, After our latest wonderful visit to TheFRINGEreport, we noted that FOX has upped the ante with a second Fringe Season Two Episode 15 trailer hailing the series return to the fans on April 01 with eight all new stories. As I long suspected and theorized before WormholeRiders […]

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