During our stay in San Diego for Comic-Con 2010 and with courtesy of Warner Brothers Pictures, it was one of our reporters and her families fondest dreams come true; to interview the cast and creators of the new Scooby-Doo!
Like Trish, who conducted these wonderfully great interviews, I also was looking forward to being on the Red Carpet as camera person with the great digital photographer JNM999 (Jeremy)! I clearly remember my love of Scooby-Doo since I first saw it in 1969! The new series is filled with character development and all the fun of the Scooby’s!
Scooby stars like Matthew Lillard and and creators like Dan Krall discussed their thoughts about Freakazoid, WormholeRiders, Stargate, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and even Battlestar Galactica (yes thats right folks)! Part of the excitement of Comic-Con 2010 was the wonder of being part of the Scooby-Doo Red Carpet to discuss the series reboot now in existence for 41 years! The creators and actors were fantastic to talk with and shared a lot of time from their busy schedules to chat with Team WHR!

We thank Warner Brothers and Cartoon Network for their courtesy in arranging the Scooby-Doo interviews so that we could bring share them here at WHR! For the fans of the series, Scooby-Doo is now airing its fifth new episode this week with “The Song of Mystery“!
In fact tonight on the Cartoon Network and every Monday at 6:30 PM EDT / PDT you can also re-watch last weeks episode of “Revenge of the Man Crab” followed at 7:00 PM the new episode. Included below are the Red Carpet interviews preceded with special sneak peaks from the 26 episode run of Scooby-Doo from Warner Brothers and The Cartoon Network!
We hope you enjoy the Scooby-Doo interviews as much as we did conducting them.
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And as always, thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency.
Best Regards,
Hi Guys, this is a good blog. thanks
Hi Katie,
Word Press is designed with best compatibility for FireFox in its core but most browsers should work. IE sometimes causes problems though where you must click to full screen mode. The Scooby Red Carpet interviews now playing after calling the video from a different WHR server. Its working now. Matthew starts at about 12 minutes 30 second. Thank you for your comments!
Best Regards
Thanks for correcting it, much appreciated.
As much as I wanted it to load, it wouldn’t load past 11.37 and now opening the page again in different browser, it says there’s a clip error and it’s just a blank white box.
What browser is recommended for flowplayer and when does Matthew come into it, so I can point fans towards the video and let them know when he’s interviewed?
Hello Katie,
My apologies on the typographical error. I compounded it by copying the error into the categories database. Both have been corrected. Thank you.
Best Regards
please can you correct the spelling for Matthew Lillard’s surname?
Hey Karen and Jandyra,
Whovian99 did an awesome job on these interviews! 😀 I had a bit of fun too since I have been a Scooby fan since I was 13 years old. The new show runners are doing a great job dealing with subjects suitable for the entire family. They are making the Scooby’s tons of fun to watch which I will be doing in 20 minutes!
Thanks for the nice comments and I hope your families enjoyed the promos from Warner Brothers as much as I did when putting them in the story.
Best Regards,
AWESOME post 😀 Thank you 😀 \o/
very cool and i loved the pics,, thx, u 2 rock!!