Renowned character actor Henry Gibson passed away Monday at the age of 73 after a short battle against cancer. Stargate fans know Henry from his role as Marul in Stargate SG-1’s season 5 episode, ‘The Sentinel’. His acting in that episode was superb, no doubt helped by the fact that […]

iTunes has a new 30 second Trailer featured in their “Free on iTunes” window of their store! It has all new footage and tells a much different tale then trailers we have seen so far. It features Robert Carlyle as Doctor Rush, David Blue as Eli Wallace, and one very […]


Hello Stargate Universe Fans, Here is Something Kinda Special for you Doctor Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) fans whom have admired his fine performances from Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis! But first a few questions must be considered: Have you ladies often wondered what kind of love affairs Doctor Jackson has […]


She’s been cursed with “The Black Widow Syndrome”, and the uncanny ability to speak technobabble flawlessly. She’s gotten to be both “The Girl” of the team and “The Man” of the expedition. We’ve literally watched her progress from Captain to full-bird Colonel. But despite all this, there’s still one question […]


It’s time for everyone’s favorite Gate Technician! I’ve wanted to see Gary Jones for years. He owes Chicago an appearance from a couple years back where he was set to come and then had to cancel. Everything I knew about Gary said he’s a wonderful comedian, and I knew he […]

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