Hello Sanctuary fans from all over the globe. This is the episode that we have been long waiting for. And I know with some of my friends, more so my Sanctuary team members, have been sitting on the edges of their sofas, chairs, maybe even their beds, just waiting for […]


Hello science fiction and television series fans, Did you still feel sad about when Stargate SG-1 was canceled?  Were you upset when Paul McGillion’s character, Carson Beckett from Stargate Atlantis was killed? What about the StarGate Atlantis’ non-renewal? Atlantis was terminated over two years ago, and yet, writer and Show […]


Oh, dear Sanctuary fans! Lions and tigers and bears….Oh my? Nope. Lycans, ex-vampires and private hidden facilities in the middle of Oldham, England! ‘Animus’ is one of those episodes where we find ourselves being pulled right into the turbulence. It’s also one of the first episodes in which we truly […]


Hello all! As with any convention, there’s the laughter, the “what the…” moments and just the downright interesting parts…both good and bad! Chevron 7.5 was no different. Understandably, I think most people went into this convention with heavy hearts after both Teryl Rothery and Michael Shanks not able to attend […]