Hello Stargate fans, We are asking for your charity for a fellow Stargate fan, Cindy Zellers, who has suffered a serious injury through no fault of your own. This event will run through October 31, 2022 and features prizes at five donation levels discussed below. Cindy was simply attending a […]

Welcome back Stargate Fans, Sometimes in the life of science fiction television series fans, opportunity presents itself. Today is one of your lucky days! Ms. Patricia Bertrand, a Stargate fan that we all know and admire, is working to raise funds for a Canadian charity known as Victims Services. She […]

Welcome back to WHR Radio Where You Decide! This past Sunday June 24, 2012 we were honored with an interview from Mr. Colin Ferguson who joined us 6 PM Pacific, 9 PM.EST to discuss his recent charitable journey to Haiti where he and friend Misha Collins worked with Haitian Reconstruction! […]

Hello once again charitable friends of Team WHR, We bring the beloved supporters of the children some special news. In only four weeks from tomorrow, one of the most significant charity events to help children with Hunter Syndrome will occur in Vancouver British Columbia. Often referred to as “Hollywood North”, […]

Welcome back supporters of worthwhile charity efforts, This Saturday evening June 25, 2011 something very wonderful to help children around the world is going to occur in New York City! Of what do we speak? Why of course we are talking (and tweeting) about Songs for Sanctuary for Children, an […]

Welcome Amanda Tapping and Sanctuary fans! I am bringing you the day 3 AT5 – Reverberation daily report, so grab a chair and enjoy! First of all, I would like to say thank you to GABIT Events for authorizing the use of photos from the event in this report. Photos […]

Hello GABIT Convention fans, Well, an early start greeted all the Gabiteers Saturday morning February 12, 2011 as AT5 at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow got underway. Waking up before sunrise on a weekend to head down for breakfast after the cocktail party must have been hard for some, but it […]


Good morning, afternoon, or evening GABIT Events fans! Amanda Tapping arrived just after 8pm. I missed the start of her speech because the reception to her arrival was phenomenal! It took a good few minutes for the silence to rain over the crazy cheers and whistles. Amanda made a little […]

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