Hey V Series Fans, Well the big day has arrived. March 30, 2010 is the day we all get to see what the dickens is up with Anna and her master plan to dominate the Earth in a Warner Brothers production airing on ABC. And stand by for a shocking […]

Hey SciFi and Comedy Fans! On April 24-25, 2010, the Comic & Entertainment Expo will be taking Calgary by storm – and WormholeRiders will be right there with it for YOU the fans. I, ValaBlack, will be covering the weekend-long event and quite frankly, I cannot wait! This year’s line-up […]


Hey SciFi, Comics, and Convention Fans! Wondering about WonderCon and want to know what is happening in San Francisco these days? Well here it is! Click the linked banner below to learn all about WonderCon being one of the largest conventions in the world featuring many studios like Disney Pictures, […]


When I’m trying to convince a friend, casual acquaintance, or random person with whom I just happen to be chatting to watch Human Target, I usually describe it as being similar to those fun summer action movies, but in 45 minutes or so. It is the perfect show to sit […]

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