Hello science fiction and television series fans, Did you still feel sad about when Stargate SG-1 was canceled? Were you upset when Paul McGillion’s character, Carson Beckett from Stargate Atlantis was killed? What about the StarGate Atlantis’ non-renewal? Atlantis was terminated over two years ago, and yet, writer and Show […]
Studio Series
Welcome back Stargate Universe (SGU) fans! As always, there are complete spoilers in my post, so if you have not seen the episode, please come back later. It has to be difficult when your episode is airing the next week after Robert Cooper’s episode “Malice.” Everyone is going to be […]
Oh, dear Sanctuary fans! Lions and tigers and bears….Oh my? Nope. Lycans, ex-vampires and private hidden facilities in the middle of Oldham, England! ‘Animus’ is one of those episodes where we find ourselves being pulled right into the turbulence. It’s also one of the first episodes in which we truly […]
Hey Science Fiction Fantasy Fans, The Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States is typically know as “Black Friday” to denote the “official” start of holiday shopping season when retailers go into the black. Other Black Friday’s in history denote a negative meaning. However, this Friday November 26, 2010 will […]
Hello all! As with any convention, there’s the laughter, the “what the…” moments and just the downright interesting parts…both good and bad! Chevron 7.5 was no different. Understandably, I think most people went into this convention with heavy hearts after both Teryl Rothery and Michael Shanks not able to attend […]
Hailing all you Sanctuary fans out there! On this posterior side of the Gemini’s 25th Anniversary Gala, welcome to yet another exciting Kate Freelander (played by Agam Darshi) episode! You know, considering that there was so much controversy raging in fandom when her character was introduced, I don’t think anyone […]
Hey Stargate Fans, As we have indicated before, we fully expected to see a return of the mutinous crew persons from Stargate Universe “Faith” who desired to remain on the planet to seek a “better life”. Well folks tonight is the night when they return to Destiny in the Stargate […]
Some called it a game-changer; others called it epic. I call it Stargate at its finest moments. Written and directed by Robert C. Cooper, it had the air about it of the Stargate Atlantis: Vegas episode and I loved it. As with all my post review stories, this will contain […]
Hey Fringe fans, It’s been a while since I wrote about my thoughts on a Fringe episode, and there have certainly been a lot of developments since Olivia. One thing I should probably get out of the way is that I do actually like AltLivia. A lot of people I’ve […]
Hello once again Stargate fans! Stargate Universe continues this evening with “Malice” on SyFy at 9 PM east and west time zones with one of the best Stargate episodes of all time across all three series and three movies. “Malice” is the second of two parts that began with “The […]