Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episode “Immortality” is complete (our analysis later today), and this week we were astounded when a vocal minority of the Fringies blew many minds on Fringe Friday February 11, 2011. Last week we advised “Frankly Fringe Fans First […]


Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episodes “Concentrate and Ask Again” is complete and we found the Fringies frankly freaking out on Fringe Friday February 04, 2011 as many did not seem to have understanding why the series did not do as well as […]


Hello again Fringe fans! The mid-season episode “Reciprocity” was spectacular. Fringe with its new home on Friday nights is a proven two week back to back success! WR_Systems (Kenn) is consulting with WormholeRiders News Agency Team leader RedOne68 (Sandra) on ratings analysis. He will be posting a special ratings analysis […]


Hey SyFy Fans, In case you had not heard already, one of our favorite stations, the great SyFy is launching a new pilot for a potential television series called “Three Inches” starring none other than the wonderfully talented James Marsters recently seen in Caprica on SyFy! We had the privilege […]

Hey Avatar and James Cameron Fans, Below please find the entire James Cameron Avatar video panel recorded on Tuesday April 27, 2010. The video includes James Cameron, Avatar Panel Moderator Dr. Robert Hurt, Dr. Jess Adkins, Professor John Grotzinger and Dr. Jared Leadbetter as they discussed the “Science Behind the […]


Hey Avatar and James Cameron Fans, I arrived in the Los Angeles area for WHR business on Tuesday April 27, 2010 precisely on time according to the “Five Minute Rule”. What is the Five Minute Rule and what was the WHR business? Well the title of this news report gives […]

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