Welcome Cliff Simon lovers and WormholeRiders! It takes a certain kind of adventurous spirit to jump from one career to another while also doing the same with the country of employment. Cliff Simon’s itinerant nature has taken him from South Africa to the United Kingdom, to France, Sweden and then […]


Hello GateCon Fans! First up on stage was Stargate Atlantis’ Dr. Beckett, Mr. Paul McGillion.  I decided to get the preliminaries out of the way, by yelling, “Are you married yet?” He smiled and replied that the wedding is in September, “if she will still have me.” Apparently, the bachelor […]


When I’m trying to convince a friend, casual acquaintance, or random person with whom I just happen to be chatting to watch Human Target, I usually describe it as being similar to those fun summer action movies, but in 45 minutes or so. It is the perfect show to sit […]


Breaking News BSG, Caprica, Stargate, Fringe, and Sanctuary Fans, What new weekly episodic series has more Stargate SG-1, SGA, and SGU , Sanctuary, BSG, Caprica and Fringe stars in roles and guest star appearances than any other series? Of course that would be Human Target brought to us by FOX […]

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