PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Distribution – 9:59 PM Pacific Time Zone February 20, 2010 Effective immediately, WormholeRiders is pleased to announce that we have added another new reporter to reinforce our news division in the Asia Pacific Region (Australia)! Therefore please welcome to the WormholeRiders Team RockStarSister! RockStarSister (Andrea) is […]
Hey Fringe Fans, Something we have all been waiting, in fact dying to hear about Peter Bishop Joshua Jackson from Fox Networks via our dear Fringe friend Meadow_24 (Ms. Monica Alves). Thank you Monica . Enjoy! As we proceed to the future with Fringe in our thoughts, Team WHR will […]
Hey Cliff Simon, Ba’al and Stargate Fans, I arrived a few minutes late for the panel appearance of Cliff Simon at the Los Angeles Stargate 2009 Creation Entertainment Convention held at the Marriott Hotel near the International Airport. The reason for my tardiness to see the infamous Ba’al was a […]
Hi Chuck Fans! In our last episode of Chuck (Zachary Levi) was given the task of turning another nerd Manoush Depak (Fahim Anwar) into an asset. Somehow Manoush has gotten hold of some sort of intersect tool from The Ring operatives, which he has embedded into a pair of sunglasses. […]
Hey Convention Fans, WHR is pleased to announce more 2010 “Live From the Convention” coverage of the SciFi Ball 16 February 12-14 2010 and Collector Mania 15 May 28-31 2010 in the United Kingdom! Click the banners below to visit these fantastic events official web pages! The events will be […]
Hey V Fans, WHR is pleased to announce support of a fun Special Project during the ABC V Series Hiatus. Click the ABC logo to visit V! The Special Project is sponsored by none other than Anna the Vistor herself! Known as the V Series RP (V Role Playing), the […]
PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Distribution – 2:59 PM Pacific Time Zone February 06, 2010 Effective immediately, WormholeRiders is pleased to announce that we have added another new reporter to reinforce our news division in the United Kingdom! Therefore please welcome to the WormholeRiders Team Vala_The_Great: Vala_The_Great is based outside of […]
Hey Caprica Fans! Lopez Tonight ROCKS and so does the wonderful Caprica team at SyFy! Below is an interview appearance from Alessandra Toressani on the George Lopez show that includes the extended Caprica preview of this Friday’s fantastic upcoming episode “Reins of a Waterfall”. Most newsworthy, Lopez Tonight features top […]
Hey NBC Univsersal Comcast AND SyFy Fans! The news is historic. Today as scheduled, WHR will be devoting it’s entire editorial attention to the developments regarding the proposed merger of Comcast with General Electric, owner of NBC Universal and SyFy, channels that WHR reports on with some regularity. Today the […]
Hey Fringe Fans! Our thanks to the Fringe Folks at FOX Networks! Below is a preview of this Thursday’s shocking upcoming episode “Jacksonville”. The WHR news analysis is that “Jacksonville” will return the story-line to the clash between Alternate Realities as both worlds prepare for a collision that could spell […]