Robin Dunne Interview Producer of Repetitive Strain Injury Gala Premiere Toronto!

Repetitive Strain Injury banner poster - Click to learn more at their official web site!

Welcome back to WHR You Decide,

Click to visit Robin Dunne at his official web site - photo courtesy Dennys IllicWe are honored and pleased to announce we will be interviewing the wonderful actor, writer, director and producer Robin Dunne Saturday November 30, 2013 at 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, 12 PM Eastern Standard Time to chat with this gifted entertainment professional about his latest projects, what is coming in the future and his fabulous career!

All who follow science fiction and dramatic arts know of the fantastic career of Robin Dunne.

Robin Dunne has now embarked on a journey as a producer with Ava Markus, and Amy Matysio.

Producer / Actor Dunne is starring in great new stage play written by Rob van Meenen and directed by Harry Judge known as Repetitive Strain Injury! (hash tag #RSI).

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Image courtesy Robin Dunne web site!

Repetitive Strain Injury cast - Click to learn more at the official web site!Dunne co-produced the comedic drama at the Factory Studio Theatre, 125 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5V 2R2, Canada. The Repetitive Strain Injury premiere opening is December 06, 2013 beginning a limited exclusive ten day run through December 15, 2013!

Currently in final stages of rehearsal, “Repetitive Strain Injury“, starring Robin Dunne, Imali Perera, Ava Markus, Amy Matysio, Pat Kiely (Being Human), the delightful stage play opens Friday December 06, 2013 in conjunction with Company Kid Logic at their Factory Studio Theatre facilities which are launching a new series of productions featuring “Multiple award-winning and widely acclaimed as actors, writers, directors and producers in both Film/TV and theatre – Company Kid Logic has selected RSI to launch this dynamic company of players. “ dedicated to the “goal … to produce current, urbane theatre with an inclusive mindset and an appetite to celebrate talent.”.

Robin Dunne and Ava Markus of RSI - Photo credit courtesy Farrah Aviva“Repetitive Strain Injury” is described by the creators as “Darkly funny and unflinchingly honest, the play centers around a thirty something couple about to get married. When fate interferes, new friends and strange opportunities put things in flux. Sexy, candidly cruel and deeply relatable, RSI follows a tangled web of relationships, exposing five reluctant adults caught in a karmic pressure cooker. (Rob) Van Meenen follows up the wildly successful run of his first play “Burn” (co-written with Cherise Arnesen) with this powerful and unblinking dissection of modern relationships written in the style of what he himself describes as “Neil Labute meets How I Met your Mother.”

Perhaps best known as Doctor Will Zimmerman in the hit television series Sanctuary (2008-2011), and in the original web series in 2007 that set the standard for all web series that followed (with creators Amanda Tapping, Damian Kindler, Martin Wood, Gillian Horvath, Alan McCullough and many more), Robin Dunne has been quite active, most recently featured in a guest starring role in the new hit Syfy science fiction series Defiance as “Meeko” in the episode “A Well Respected Man” which aired earlier this year.

Robin Dunne and Pat Kiely of RSI - Photo credit courtesy Farrah Aviva Dunne has been very active in a string of movies in 2013 including The Good Witch’s Destiny, Three Days in Havana, Scarecrow, Torment, Supercollider, and a holiday treat entitled Twelve Trees of Christmas that recently aired on the Lifetime channel in the United States and soon to air on CTV in Canada!

Admirers of Robin Dunne certainly recall his superb production work in the fabulous Space Milkshake, and the memorable leading role in one of the greatest made for television movies ever, Beyond Sherwood Forest as well as his recurring role in Dawson’s Creek (1999-2000) and his earliest featured roles in The Adventures of Sinbad, a two part episode called “The Return of Sinbad” (1996), Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (1996), and the first time I witnessed his tremendous talent as a young actor in Against Their Will: Women in Prison, his first role in 1994!

We look forward to you joining Robin Dunne this Saturday for a special edition of WHR You Decide at 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time to discuss his exciting Repetitive Strain Injury!

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