Welcome back supporters of worthwhile charity efforts, This Saturday evening June 25, 2011 something very wonderful to help children around the world is going to occur in New York City! Of what do we speak? Why of course we are talking (and tweeting) about Songs for Sanctuary for Children, an […]


What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. ~T. S. Eliot Hello again Stargate fans, Since the announcement of Stargate Universe’s cancellation some months ago, emotions have been running high. Well, maybe […]

Hello Stargate Fans, A sad day for all of us is about to occur. This weekend at The Bridge Studios in Vancouver, British Columbia the Stargate may be dialing its last gate address and close for a final time, ending over 14 years of entertainment from the much loved franchise. […]

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