Spreading the SGU Love, Jamil Walker Smith, Brian J. Smith, Patrick Gilmore and Beyond!


My apologies for my cyber-silence as of late. Click to visit the Winnipeg Academy of Acting!

I am a full-time student at the Academy of Acting, and it seems like tonight Wednesday February 09, 2011 is the first night I’ve had to myself, away from my studies…other than of course having the assignment of lifting a frying pan to see how it affects my muscles, then miming it to play with my arm muscle’s memories.

Stargate Universe - SGU season two wide banner

But enough with the acting technobabble, let’s get on with the campaign updates and other Stargate-related news that might be New SyFy Logo Chain Linksout there. Recently there was a Stargate Universe marathon on Syfy network, and from what I understand, the ratings were good enough to justify doing a standard run-out of the second season.

I am hoping that will lead to continuing on the Stargate Universe storyline. Recent word from Jospeh Mallaozzi is that he and Paul Mullie are heading to the Los Angeles area on a mission. Lets all wish them them the best of luck!

The first one is a reminder about the “Share The SGU Love” and “Spread the SGU Love” campaign, to send the powers-that-be Click to visit the fabled MGM Studios on Twitter!both stateside at the MGM Studios offices and the Bridge Studios offices located in Burnaby, British Columbia a Valentines Day card! I will admit, I have my cards made and will be sending them off Friday.

Hey, I don’t know about you, but I don’t mind getting a Valentines’ card or two (or more) after Valentines’ Day, I always consider it lovely that someone was thinking of me in a kind and loving manner. Remember to mention that you love the series, why you love it, any stories you might be able to tell in your cards, and where you are located. Perhaps include your age as well in case you want to help MGM see the demographics. Click here to see all the great cards.

Click to load the full size image

And speaking of Valentines’ Day, there is a campaign that will be taking place ON Valentines’ Day itself. As iTunes is still selling episodes of Stargate Universe in their on-line store, the plan is for as many SGU fans to buy the episode “Trial and Error”, the episode where Eli and Ginn share their first kiss (insert group “awwwww” here). Please feel free to buy other episodes as well!

A group action that has been taking place is the creation of a graphic collage celebrating Stargate Universe, with the man behind that being Gcm4n (Mario on Twitter). He is accepting graphics (as in digital pictures) fans want to include in the final huge image. Contact him on Twitter for more details.Click to visit and follow Gcm4n (Mario) on Twitter!

The biggest news, however, has been a unification of the majority of the campaigns. Look for more details at SGUnite once the site is fully up and running. As is, the webmaster has created a Facebook feed on the front page of the website where news about Stargate Universe current state is being listed, such as the fact when SGU season two returns to SyFy on March 07, 2011 on Monday nights.

There is also a place on the page where people can insert their e-mail address so once the website is up and running, as the webmaster of the site has been otherwise occupied with schooling and also, flooding in his area of Australia. Much love to you as things get cleaned up down there!

Click to visit and follow Jamil Walker Smith on Twitter!In other Stargate Universe related news, some of the stars of the series have been keeping themselves quite busy with non-SGU projects (all things planned before the announcement was made regarding the non-renewal).

First off, congrats to Jamil Walker Smith, whose directing and writing debut with the film Make a Movie Like SpiClick to visit the Santa Barbara International Film Festivalke premiered at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, with three, yes, count ’em, THREE sold-out showings! The next stop for the Little Plow Films movie is to take it to Los Angeles for screenings, with details (I am guessing) being listed on Jamil’s twitter (or on the one for the film itself, @makeamovielike), on the official websites Make a Movie Like Spike or Little Plow Films, or else on their facebook fan page. Check it out, and if you have the chance to get to a screening, please do!

Click to visit and follow Brian J Smithon Twitter!Congrats as well to Brian J Smith, who has been keeping himself busy globetrotting with the filming of the SyFy made-for-TV movie Red Faction: Origins, based on the computer game by the same name. His tweets about the experience make many of us aspiring actors green with envy and also, makes us realize the extremes some projects will take a person, as he has described in his tweets about the very cold weather in some locations, and contrastingly hot weather in others.

I can barely wait for that one to come out, but to be honest, am hoping that more Stargate Universe comes out beyond the second season as I love the series and want to see more of it, and certainly more of Brian and company in action as our favorite refugee crew in a ginourmous spaceship hopping through galaxies!Riese Series - Kingdom Falling on Space Channel!

Another project which would be remiss of me to mention is the web-series Riese. Filmed in Vancouver, its cast includes Patrick Gilmore (Dale Volker of SGU) as well as featuring Amanda Tapping as a narrator.

Click to visit and follow Patrick Gilmore on Twitter!It is a futuristic steam-punk series, and the best news of all is, the entire web-series will be aired as one episode on the Space Channel in Canada, April 09, 2011 at 9 pm right after the Merlin season finale! This just goes to show the power of the internet, and also, the power of on-line love and determination.

Although not directly related to Stargate Universe, I did promise a friend and classmate of mine to mention a web-series that is being created here in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Pieces is a sci-fi/fantasy mystery thriller with a lot of promise, and who knows, it might follow in the footsteps of other pioneering Canadian web-series (such as Riese and Jpod).

In the future this series could potentially have the following of other science fiction series that have been filmed in Canada, such as X-Files, Fringe, the whole Stargate franchise…well, you get my drift. I promised I’d mention it in my blog, and give the good word to the ‘Peg City, so there you go!

Click to visit Bridge Studios Vancouver!

So in summary: Please send out your Valentines’ Day cards to the Bridge and to MGM Studios, buy “Trial and Error” on iTunes this Valentines’ Day, donate some images for the collage, add your name to the mailing list at sgunite.com, check out Make a Movie Like Spike (and perhaps request it at your local indy theatre), and just keep being aweseome!

But I should really get back to my homework, I need to learn how to lift an invisible frying pan by using my own as a model, so until later, keep on Spreading and Sharing the SGU Love, and have a great weekend!

WormholeRiders. Click to visit & follow WHR on Twitter!

As always we appreciate your reading this article and for visiting our news sites at WormholeRiders News Agency. Please feel free to leave a “Share The SGU Love” or “Spread The SGU Love” comment or a question here. We will respond to your comment or question as soon as is possible.

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Thank you. Click to visit and follow Marjorie Roden on Twitter!

Marjorie Roden

2 thoughts on “Spreading the SGU Love, Jamil Walker Smith, Brian J. Smith, Patrick Gilmore and Beyond!

  1. Hi Hilda,

    Thanks for your comment as always. Yes t read the Mr. Mallozzi’s blog, but there is a move afoot by them related to Stargate Universe coming back likely as movies.

    Best Regards,

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