Hello Stargate Fans! I had the opportunity to attend Creation Entertainment’s official Vancouver Stargate Convention. I would like to thank the great people on the Creation Entertainment team for allowing me to provide coverage of the convention for WormholeRiders News Agency. On Sunday April 17, 2011 one of the masterminds […]

Hey Chucksters! Who didn’t love the last episode of Chuck? I know I did.  I mean, can it get any better than Chuck robbing a bank while dressed in a suit??  Boy, Zachary Levi really was rather good looking in this episode.  Am I right ladies? Alright, let’s get down […]


My apologies for my cyber-silence as of late. I am a full-time student at the Academy of Acting, and it seems like tonight Wednesday February 09, 2011 is the first night I’ve had to myself, away from my studies…other than of course having the assignment of lifting a frying pan […]

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