Welcome to all The Listener fans, the old and the new. “As a new confidential informant for the IIB, Toby (Craig Olejnik) investigates an assassination threat against a Conservative leadership front-runner — a high-ranking military colonel who may have been involved in the mysterious disappearance of an army private under […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! Here’s this week’s review. SPOILER ALERT! Please read at your own risk. This review has detailed spoilers. You have been warned. As the show begins Josh (Sam Huntington) is being watched by Marcus (Vincent Leclerc) from across the street. Rebecca (Sarah Allen) is setting up a video […]

To all The Listener fans out there I received some awesome news from the man himself, Ennis Esmer on Twitter, that The Listener is going INTERNATIONAL!!! ISN’T THAT AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Fox International Channel website is very cool, with loads of information and fun things to do. I’ll be a daily […]


To all The Listener fans out there. Sorry I’m a little late with this one, it’s been a real hectic week. But I hope you still enjoy the read. ***SPOILER ALERT*** If you haven’t already seen this episode, stop now and read later. If you don’t mind, then by all […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! This week’s episode of Being Human was full of drama. All of our characters had their—well, we can’t say lives, exactly—their existences turned upside down with startling revelations. This was a week for turning inward, for self-reflection and decision-making, and once decided, acting with the force of commitment. […]

Welcome Amanda Tapping and Sanctuary fans! I am bringing you the day 3 AT5 – Reverberation daily report, so grab a chair and enjoy! First of all, I would like to say thank you to GABIT Events for authorizing the use of photos from the event in this report. Photos […]

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