Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! Spoiler Alert: The following is a complete recap/review of Being Human, Episode 111 (Going Dutch). If you have not yet seen this episode and prefer to watch it without spoilers, stop reading now and check your local listings for opportunities to watch the episode. Right now only […]

Hi everyone. This week’s episode recap/review is full of detailed spoilers so please do not read any further if you haven’t watched the episode yet. You have been warned! In the opening, Marcus (Vincent Leclerc) and Bishop (Mark Pellegrino) are anxiously waiting at the funeral home garage for the delivery […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! Spoiler Alert: The following is a complete recap/review of Being Human, Episode 108 (Children Shouldn’t Play With Undead Things). If you have not yet seen this episode and prefer to watch it without spoilers, stop reading now and check your local listings for opportunities to watch the […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! Spoiler Alert: The following is a complete recap/review of Being Human, Episode 107 (I See Your True Colors…And That’s Why I Hate You). If you have not yet seen this episode and prefer to watch it without spoilers, stop reading now and check your local listings for opportunities […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! Here’s this week’s review. SPOILER ALERT! Please read at your own risk. This review has detailed spoilers. You have been warned. As the show begins Josh (Sam Huntington) is being watched by Marcus (Vincent Leclerc) from across the street. Rebecca (Sarah Allen) is setting up a video […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! This week’s episode of Being Human was full of drama. All of our characters had their—well, we can’t say lives, exactly—their existences turned upside down with startling revelations. This was a week for turning inward, for self-reflection and decision-making, and once decided, acting with the force of commitment. […]

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