Well, it’s been one week since my first blog was posted regarding my idea for the “Spread the SGU Love” (or “Share the SGU Love”) fan campaign to help garner positive feedback regarding Stargate Universe to The Powers-That-Be (TPTB) at MGM Studios.
So far, what I’ve been hearing from fans is many went out and actually bought cards, while others made their own as I have been doing the last couple of nights as illustrated below! Others including educators and teaches have had their school classes make them to send off to MGM.
Oh, and please click the MGM Studios Lion image above to the right to follow MGM on Twitter to demonstrate your support. Thank you!
Yes, some of us who love Stargate Universe are teachers. Using this as an art project is something I think is quite ingenious! Other fans have created some digital artwork for people to print off and use at their end for the “Spread The SGU Love” “Share The SGU Love” campaign. There are links for accessing the full resolution graphics below this paragraph. Simply click the images below to load the full sized versions. Many thanks to StargateZone (Sarah) and GCM4N (Mario) for graciously donating their digital artwork to our cause!
The campaign news article I authored last week is not the only effort going on out there in our Stargate World. In fact there have been a number of them, and in this week’s blog, I will highlight the ones that I’ve heard about on the internet, mainly through Twitter. Some that have been very effective at getting MGM Studios’s attention.
I was inspired seeing CherLuvYa making a vote on Twitter for the Shorty awards for MGM in television, MeriJewel, another Stargate Universe fan, caught onto this idea in a big way. The Shorty Awards, going into their third year, are defined as “Honoring the Best Producers of Short Real-Time Content.” also known for sites that perform micro-blogging like Twitter. The method of voting is through Twitter, and many Stargate and SGU fans have been voting for MGM_Studios on Twitter for the
#television category because of the Stargate franchise.
However, there have been other great TV shows to come out of the MGM studios, so vote as often as you can while mentioning #ShareTheSGULove and #Stargate hash tags in this on-line competition. One can also vote for actors and actresses who have Twitter accounts like Alaina Huffman, David Blue, Brian J. Smith, Patrick Gilmore, MingNa, Jennifer Spence, Julia Benson, Lou Diamond Phillips, Jamil Walker Smith, Peter Kelamis Julie McNiven, Kathleen Munroe and Mike Dopud.
Several are all fairly high on the list. We also encourage you to vote as well for crew members and Stargate Univese creators such as Mandy Alexander McLean, Mark Savela, Sonia Gilmore, James Bamford John G. Lenic, Carl P. Binder, John Scalzi, Ivon Bartok, Martin Gero, and Joseph Mallozzi … via his dogs Twitter account anyway! For more information, please click the text link or image banner below to read MeriJewel’s article
The website SGU Awareness is another outstanding site on the Internet which includes links to other campaigns in its blog. The atmosphere on this page is very positive, and their generosity with giving those links is outstanding!
A new website has been in development called SaveOurStargate that launched just this weekend. SaveOurStargate is run by a group of Stargate Universe fans with a dedication to ensure that the MGM Stargate Franchise continues well into the future.
Last but not least if the SG: Unite fan campaign has a lot of contact info, including mailing and e-mail addresses, something that would prove to be very useful to get their attention in their e-mail in-boxes. As you scroll down the page you will find many useful Internet addresses and other contacts that might prove to be very useful to “Share The SGU Love“.For now
Other very positive news came out of Joe Mallozzi’s blog this week, it sounds like the creators and producers of Stargate Universe are far from throwing in the towel yet, which is why showing our support in as many different ways as we can – be it from taking part in any of the campaigns happening worldwide right now, to watching SGU on Hulu where the views, I’ve been told, also count towards total viewings statistics tallied by MGM Studios are important.
I would also suggest even to purchasing Stargate Universe by going to the video store and buying a box set of DVD or Blue Ray discs. All of these will help demonstrate to MGM Studios that Stargate Universe is a series fans are willing to invest their hard-earned dollars in. During a recession like the one we’re in now, showing this to MGM Studios is huge!
Finally, although I started this a few weeks ago, it did kind of get lost in the shuffle of the avalanche of on-line petitions which came out right after the non-renewal announcement. If you’re on Twitter, and happen to have the time, please sign it!
As always we appreciate your reading this article and for visiting our news sites at WormholeRiders News Agency. Please feel free to leave a “Share The SGU Love” or “Spread The SGU Love” comment or a question here. We will respond to your comment or question as soon as is possible.
If you prefer, click the social media icons below to share this news article or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit TeamWHR or me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story and or I will See You on The Other Side at my FaceBook“!
Marjorie, Thank you so much for doing this article and giving us all those wonderful links and information to help save our favorite show!!
Another GREAT news article about the fan campaigns Marjorie. I did not realize that you would be writing a status report every week. Thank you I have already sent a letter to MGM about SGU but love the images and web pages with full size pictures so I am going to send off another one! Thanks again.
And just to give credit where it’s due, the video is one Kenn made 🙂
All the best,
Hello Chris, Gene and MeriJewel,
Thanks for the positive comments. Ms. Roden is a new contributing writer and is very busy coordinating with other fan groups so I will reply.
You are welcome and thank you for the great work on Twitter to promote the various campaigns!
I just spoke with tech person and we look forward to adding your artwork and link to the new site both in the news article and the side bar.
Thank you. The story is by Ms. Roden with support from WHR. Fantastic you are sending cards to MGM Studios and Bridge Studios. Every bit of support demonstrates the fans fan more Stargate Universe.
On The Shorty Awards: The reason you cannot vote is you must have a Twitter account. The same is true of the Twittition. If you create one only Twitter will know your identity (tracked by IP address and other methods) and they have a strict privacy policy so no worries.
Best Regards
thank you marjorie for the awesome report. the video was nice too! i am not a twitter person but seems i cannot vote? or do I need a twitter account? anyway the images full size pages are nice. i will be sending my valentines wishes to mgm and bridge studios this week
Thanks for the shoutout! 🙂
I’m still working on my card, but I’ll be sending it ASAP. That’s amazing that teachers have gotten their students to pitch in too! Well done!
I’m honored to be mentioned in your article. Thank you very much!
I just want to let everyone know that currently the Shorty Awards is in the Nominations phase. In February, 6 finalists in each category will make it to the “voting” phase. When the actual voting phase starts, everyone will need to re-cast their vote for the actual contest. All Stargate fans (SG1, SGA, and SGU) are asked to cast their vote for @MGM_Studios in Television because of Stargate. Let’s show MGM how much we appreciate the franchise and how much we want it to continue, via a 3rd season for SGU and the SG1 and SGA movies.
Thank you! =)