Hey V Series Fans,
Tonight our friends at NDB Radio will be interviewing the V doctor Joshua (Mark Hildreth) on their live radio show at 7 PM Pacific time and you the V Series fans are all invited to participate in the great fun.
As many of you may already know NDB Media is hosted by the wonderful radio personality Roger Noriega and cool co-host Richard R. Rattie. Roger and Richard are professional business acquaintances of WHR introduced to our team by our dear friend Patricia Bertand whom you already know from Auroris Entertainment of Canada.
As you may recall, Auroris Entertaiment was the sponsor and Patricia the hostess of the recent Fan Party in Vancouver British Columbia is early April where WHR was granted exclusive news coverage of the event just prior to the Stargate 2010 Convention. The WHR Team sincerely thanks Ms. Bertrand for her professional courtesy! And of course we would not have any V if it were not for the creative genius of Kenneth Johnson! Thank you Kenny!
Our resident V Series specialist Vala The Great who hails from the Cornwall region of the United Kingdom will be there as will Adria the Cat and I! You really do not want to miss this great interview so click the NDB Media link or image and be “Gated” directly to the show! Remember that you can participate in the text chat
V originally aired on ABC, below is a perspective video including fair use news clips from the latest version of V (2009), V the original mini series (1983), V The Final Battle (1984), and V The Series (1984-1985 television weekly episodic). Also included below as well is original V artwork at the end. The video highlights the differences and similarities between the various incarnations of V and are most interesting to view. Enjoy.
Best Regards,
I lastly decided to write a comment on your own blog. I really take pleasure in examining your posts.
You ‘know’ how much I love this video, it was featured on my second V review!!!! You got everything I wanted in there to show the similarities between both incarnations of my “favorite” show!!
You Kenn Rock our socks!
*hugs* from me and Munchables!
Well thank you my friend for the kinds words. This was a very fun video to make and is rather hypnotic with the inclusion of a portion of the original V soundtrack audio.
Best Regards,
LOVE the video! I can’t stop watching it.