Flash Forward The Negotiation

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Welcome to this weeks review and recap of Flash Forward.

As you may know FlashForward has not been renewed for a second season. Next week may be the final FlashForward airing date. Please let ABC/Disney know how much you want a second season of Flashforward. Thank you.

I’ve been enjoying James Calis’ guest appearances for the past few weeks, as I’m sure all BSG fans have as well!  Enjoy the review!  All photos are courtesy of ABC/Disney.


The Negotiation:

“Tomorrow is D-Day. The day we catch up to the flash forwards.” These are the words of Stanford Wedeck as he assures everyone in his charge that come April 29th the FBI will, indeed, be open for business.

Click to visit FlashForward on ABC!

Simon Campos has gone underground. Someone has leaked surveillance footage of Simon, aka Suspect Zero, from the stadium in Detroit. The video didn’t come from the FBI, as it was shot from a different angle. Now the world wants to know the identity of this man who was awake during the global blackout. The FBI knows who he is. They just don’t know where he’s hiding.

Simon hiding out

Even though the feds can’t find Simon, a woman named Lita has no trouble tracking him down. Lita is the same person who recruited Janis Hawk to be an FBI mole. She convinces Simon to join her in a motel room for a little fun. Afterwards, she introduces him to her boss, Lucas Hellinger. If you remember, Hellinger is the man who had Simon and Lloyd Simcoe kidnapped. He’s also the person who recruited the now-deceased Dyson Frost.

Hellinger looks for Simon

Hellinger wants Simon to work with him, but the fugitive scientist prefers to go it alone. He knows that Hellinger needs him to calibrate the accelerator in their experiments. He’s the only one who can do it and that’s why they haven’t killed him. Hellinger doesn’t deny this, though he does assure Simon that there will come a time when they’ll cut their losses. It won’t be today, as Simon is left to walk away.

Simon in hideout

Zoey hands Demetri a plane ticket to Hawaii. She says, “I’m going to be on this plane tomorrow. I’m hoping you will be, too.” Demetri doesn’t want to abandon his friends or the job. He also struggles with the fact that Janis doesn’t want him involved with the baby he fathered for her. Toss in the fact that he wasn’t supposed to live to see April 29th and you have one conflicted FBI agent.

Aaron has found the location of where Jericho is holding Tracy. It’s known as a Joshua Base, and it won’t be found on any map. Aaron shoots photos of the base and sends them to Wedeck, who promptly calls President Segovia to ask about the secret bases. The President knew this call was coming. He just didn’t know it would be from his old friend. Segovia hangs up on Wedeck, who then makes another call. This time he ask for Vice President Joyce Clemente.

Hellinger wants Simon

Jericho is moving Tracy. Aaron has no choice but to launch the rescue effort immediately. Khamir thinks it’s too dangerous, but Aaron assures them they’ll be all right. Aaron and Khamir’s team are able to take down Tracy’s captures. She’s hurt and needs to be taken to a safe place to heal. They arrive at just such a location, the place Aaron saw in his flash forward. They made it.

Gabriel has been in Mark’s office in his flash forward. He wants to rearrange the Mosaic board to fit the drawing he created in his book. Gabriel is shown a photo of Nhadra, the woman from Hong Kong who warned that Demetri would die. She was involved in the Raven River experiments. When Mark asks about another blackout, Gabriel says the man he drew in his book would know. The sketch is a picture of Lucas Hellinger.

Gabriel is safe

With orders to kill Mark from her impatient handlers, Janis tells Vogel she wants out of the double agent game. But there is no way out. She must finish what she started. To appease her handlers’ need for info, Janis reveals the details of Gabriel’s transfer to a safe house. The van transporting Gabriel is ambushed by gunmen. As the bad guys move in on their target, they are taken down by Mark, Demetri and Vreede. The FBI was ready for the attack. Now they want the gunmen to take them to the big boss.

Janis has her orders

With orders to kill Mark from her impatient handlers, Janis tells Vogel she wants out of the double agent game. But there is no way out. She must finish what she started. To appease her handlers’ need for info, Janis reveals the details of Gabriel’s transfer to a safe house. The van transporting Gabriel is ambushed by gunmen. As the bad guys move in on their target, they are taken down by Mark, Demetri and Vreede. The FBI was ready for the attack. Now they want the gunmen to take them to the big boss.

Mark Olivia and Gabriel go over details

The sting to nab Hellinger wasn’t the only trap that was set. During the planning stages of the transfer, Mark realized that Janis was the mole. When he confronts her, Janis admits working for the CIA. She blew her cover because they wanted her to kill her friend, and that’s something she just couldn’t do. Mark says, “You’re on the outside now, Janis. If you sacrifice everything, be prepared to walk alone.”

It's not suppose to happen this way

After Janis breaks the news of her double agent status to Demetri, she returns home. Waiting for her in the shadows is Simon Campos, gun drawn. First he tells her to relax. Then Simon says, “I need your help.” The question is…with what?

Thanks for tuning into my recap review of “The Negotiation”.  I hope you enjoy it and if you the fan like FlashForward, perhaps we may be able to get another distribution series to pick it up.  Next week is the final episode of the series.




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