Hey Fringe Fans,
Well we do not know how anyone could have missed it, but, just in case, WHR is pleased to confirm that one of o
ur favorite alternate reality wormhole-related series, FRINGE has been renewed for a third groundbreaking season. First reported on Entertainment Weekly to the best of our knowledge, click the EW logo for their exclusive. Great report EW, thank you!
This means ever more endless impossibilities and more fantastic stories about the coming war between the realities. Will Peter and Olivia fall in love and what will The Observer say about that? Could Walter reunite with William Bell?
Will Astrid take over the tank in the lab or get in for a trip down memory lane?
Will Gene the Cow make another appearance as the laboratory mascot or as the real boss cow of the show? Will Olivia visit “The Other Side” again to rally the forces of good with Cortexiphan enhanced ‘soldiers’?
And let us not forget about Nina Sharp and Agent Broyles! Are they deeply involved in Massive Dynamic , and with WHAT?! OMG Click the Massive Dynamic image below and maybe you can find out!
Well FRINGE fans it appears that, with a third season, one of our favorite series may be on the way to a season four and five!
That’s right folks, based on the fact that FOX signed the main writers for a three year contract, in the opinion of this reporter it is only the beginning of a long run of at least two more renewals for us all wi th more great episodic stories for all of us! YAY!
As always, FRINGE leaves us with more questions than answers, and we are fervently hoping that th is third season renewal will be the herald to many more – both seasons and answers!
Please join us with Ian, Levi, Craig and other FRINGE friends at TheFRINGEReport Dot Com every Wednesday 9:00 PM EST to discuss the Endless Impossibilities of FRINGE as season two continues in just a few short weeks on April 01, 2010!
Stay tuned to WHR as NaddyCat tracks the action with her thoughtful and inspiring reviews about what the real meaning of FRINGE is. Click her avatar to visit Naddy on Twitter!
Best Regards,
This website is getting more visitors thanks to portals like Facebook and other social media. Thanks again for the awesome info I’ll be back again.
Ahhhhh…I MISSED IT. But you know I’ve otherwise been preoccupied. FANTASTIC news.
Thanks for a great post and interesting comments. I found this post while surfing for some music videos. Thanks for sharing this article.
Not sure this is true:) but thanks for this post.
Original Spanish:
No esta seguro de que esto es verdad:), pero gracias a un cargo.