An Interview with Dan Payne: Stargate, Transparency and in Sanctuary Season Three!


My fellow fans,

This past weekend I interviewed Dan Payne of, to name but a few, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Human Target, Transparency, and who you will soon see in an upcoming Sanctuary episode.

A few of the things we discuss in the video are: some of Dan’s experiences as a Kull Warrior, particularly a rather humourous anecdote from filming Prometheus Unbound (the episode in which Claudia Black as Vala Mal Doran is first introduced), and as a “big Wraith” in Atlantis.

Dan shared details of what it was like to work on Human Target with Mark Valley and Chi McBride, and his impressions of Jackie Earle Haley from working on Watchmen.

Dan also discussed some of the differences between stunt work and acting; his favourite television shows (one of which totally cracked me up simply because it was so unexpected); and the interconnectedness of the Vancouver acting community.

Dan Payne as a Kull Warrior with Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson

SGU Banner - Click to learn more at MGM Studios!Stargate Universe also came up in the course of the interview: although Dan has not yet worked on it, he would like to because Patrick Gilmore, who plays Dr. Volker and is a friend of Dan’s, is just so sexy.

Well, that and the fact that he enjoys watching the show himself. I am guessing that if you know anything at all about me you know that I am a Fringe fan and so, naturally, Fringe also came up in our chat. And for you Canucks fans, Dan is a big one himself.

We also discussed some upcoming projects with which Dan will be involved, including Tower Prep, which actually sounds pretty neat, and his own on-going project Pucked. As part of Pucked, Dan has an “alter-ego” on Facebook named Andy Zirkor (you can follow the link to check him out). At the moment Dan is also filming a movie of the week with Faye Dunaway which sounds rather intriguing.



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If you want to contact Dan, please check out his official site:

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency. Before I wrap this up, I want to express my thanks to Patricia Bertrand of Auroris Entertainment for helping set up this interview.

If you have any questions, or just want to chat, feel free to drop me an email at the linkClick to visit NaddyCat on Twitter below or click on the picture to visit my Twitter page. As always, thanks for reading and watching!




Nadine Ramsden


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Wed Jun 9 , 2010
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