Welcome back Warehouse 13 fans, Last episode, we saw what “Time Travel” really meant. One did not physically travel back to another time past, rather, their consciousness inhabited the body and mind of someone in the past. While Myka and Pete were back in 1961, they inhabited the bodies and […]


Hey Warehouse 13 Fans, Tonight is a very special night on Warehouse 13 with special guest star Faran Tahir. You say you do not remember Faran? Well of course you do! Faran has been seen in many episodic series including LOST, CHUCK, The West Wing, Greys Anatomy, 24, NCIS: Los […]


Hey Convention Fans, Today April 02, 2010 marked the opening day of the fantastic WonderCon convention in San Francisco. SciFiFanGirl616 arrived about an hour before Press Registration time and to get the “lay of the land” at Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Good thing too as the place is […]


Hey SciFi, Comics, and Convention Fans! Wondering about WonderCon and want to know what is happening in San Francisco these days? Well here it is! Click the linked banner below to learn all about WonderCon being one of the largest conventions in the world featuring many studios like Disney Pictures, […]

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