Hello fellow Debris fans. This latest episode of Debris is a good one! It is full of new mysteries and some ancient ones that have been speculated for centuries by human kind. Eagle Eglisson is the director of this episode and he is no stranger to genres like this one. […]
Josh Blacker
Welcome to WormholeRiders You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview of our special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Josh Blacker. On Sunday February 26, 2012, Josh talked about being a vegan, animal cruelty, Fringe, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe and his new film role […]
My apologies for my cyber-silence as of late. I am a full-time student at the Academy of Acting, and it seems like tonight Wednesday February 09, 2011 is the first night I’ve had to myself, away from my studies…other than of course having the assignment of lifting a frying pan […]
Hello again Stargate fans! Well, it’s been one week since my first blog was posted regarding my idea for the “Spread the SGU Love” (or “Share the SGU Love”) fan campaign to help garner positive feedback regarding Stargate Universe to The Powers-That-Be (TPTB) at MGM Studios. So far, what I’ve […]
Fellow fans, As some of you will remember, I recently interviewed Josh Blacker of, most recently, Stargate: Universe, Human Target, and V. In the course of the interview Josh and I talked about everything from how he first got into acting – a rather circuitous and interesting journey – to […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans! SGU S1x14 ‘Human’ is simply another outstanding episode in an epic saga of our age. With the tale in ‘Human’ all should by now definitely see the direction that Stargate Universe has been on all along in the “Road Taken”. All along it has been quite […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans, If you have not seen Stargate Universe S1x13 “Faith” you may desire to stop reading now. This is a review with analysis. You have been warned. One of the true episodic sagas of our age, Stargate Universe continues the fine tradition of Stargate made possible from […]
Heya Stargate Universe fans! When we say “Focus: The Rock”, I mean the perspective from Newfoundland about SGU from our lovely island. It is known as the “Rock”. If you have not seen “Divided” stop reading now as this is a detailed review NOW. I knew that this episode was […]
Hi Stargate Universe fans, I have been a Stargate fan since the original Roland Emmerich movie all those years ago (1994). I own all seasons/TV movies of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis ever made; I am what you call a Gater! *The official term for a self-confessed Stargate Fan* Yes! It’s […]
New Breaking News UPDATE April 14, 2010 7:00 PM Pacific Time Genevieve Buechner: WHR has confirmed with her contacts that ‘Tamara Adama”of Caprica will “Crash” the Auroris Fan Party this evening and she has our total support in that regard! Another outstanding actress Ms. Buechner is also known for her […]