Welcome to WormholeRiders You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview of our special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Josh Blacker. On Sunday February 26, 2012, Josh talked about being a vegan, animal cruelty, Fringe, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe and his new film role […]


My apologies for my cyber-silence as of late. I am a full-time student at the Academy of Acting, and it seems like tonight Wednesday February 09, 2011 is the first night I’ve had to myself, away from my studies…other than of course having the assignment of lifting a frying pan […]


Fellow fans, As some of you will remember, I recently interviewed Josh Blacker of, most recently, Stargate: Universe, Human Target, and V. In the course of the interview Josh and I talked about everything from how he first got into acting – a rather circuitous and interesting journey – to […]


New Breaking News UPDATE April 14, 2010 7:00 PM Pacific Time Genevieve Buechner: WHR has confirmed with her contacts that ‘Tamara Adama”of Caprica will “Crash” the Auroris Fan Party this evening and she has our total support in that regard! Another outstanding actress Ms. Buechner is also known for her […]

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