Hey Stargate Atlantis Fans!    We continue our pre Chicago Stargate 2009 music news video series with something exclusively for Stargate Atlantis fans, ‘Panic Switch Atlantis, featuring the great music of SilverSun Pickups set to Stargate Atlantis panic situations! Featured in our rendition of Panic Switch Atlantis are some of our favorite […]

Welcome WormholeRiders! Below are the reasonable policies of Team WHR with a short music video to make our point crystal clear. We ask that you please respect and abide by our policies so we can all continue to share our experiences while having fun together. Thank you. Best Regards, Kenn […]


Here’s a crazy little story for your sheer amusement. I went out to a local diversity fest, one of many that can be found throughout the summer months here in the South suburbs of Chicago. This one was dedicated to the Scottish. There were bagpipes, dancing competitions, music performances, clan […]


Hello Stargate Universe Fans, Here is Something Kinda Special for you Doctor Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) fans whom have admired his fine performances from Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis! But first a few questions must be considered: Have you ladies often wondered what kind of love affairs Doctor Jackson has […]


Hey Stargate Fans! Loved Joe Flanigan as John Sheppard in Stargate Atlantis? Can’t wait until the SGA movie and you really miss John Sheppard aka Joe Flanigan? Well here is the next best thing! Joe Flanigan will be guest starring in SyFy’s new summer series “Warehouse 13” Tuesday August 04, […]

Team WHR set the benchmark for “Reporting Live from the Convention” live tweeting from many events that WormholeRiders News Agency has covered since 2009. Please feel free to search past conventions we have covered for reports using categories, tags, or use SEARCH located on the upper right of the any […]


She’s been cursed with “The Black Widow Syndrome”, and the uncanny ability to speak technobabble flawlessly. She’s gotten to be both “The Girl” of the team and “The Man” of the expedition. We’ve literally watched her progress from Captain to full-bird Colonel. But despite all this, there’s still one question […]

Hi Stargate Universe Fans! July 20, 2009 3:00 PM Update: It’s official according to our sources and SyFy’s own website! SGU will premiere Friday October 2, 2009 at 10:00 PM  eastern time, 7:00 PM pacific time on SyFy (7:00 PM pacific if you get eastern SyFy feed on your cable or satellite […]

Here are the winners of Constellation Awards, notably Claudia Black and her award and those Stargate received or were nominated for! Hi Stargate and Farscape Fans!   WormholeRiders sends sincere congratulations to Claudia Black for winning the Constellation Award for her portrayal of Quetesh and Vala Mal Doran in Stargate: Continuum! The […]

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