Stargate Universe, the long awaited 3rd series spin-off from the hugely successful MGM Stargate franchise has made the “list” of top ten most anticipated television series for fall 2009 according to TV Guide On-Line! and the San Francisco Examiner!  We have provided the links to the news articles above for you […]


Today things kicked off well, though not exactly as planned. This, as I am told, is not unusual. My first event, while RadioStar was off running very important errands, was supposed to be a Stargate Atlantis panel attended by Paul McGillion, Rachel Lutrell, Joe Flanigan, and Jason Momoa. Instead, due […]

The main events start tomorrow, but there is a definite air of excitement. Today we drove into Atlanta and scoped out the DragonCon’s territory – 4 host hotels, and crowds of people rooming the sidewalks in clothes that – one would hope – are not regularly seen in Atlanta! My […]


After spending a very nice day at Kentucky Horse Park, we made about a three hour drive down to Lenoir Tennessee, and we’re bushed! It was a beautiful day to spend outside in the fresh air. One more day and I’ll be in Atlanta! Festivities start early for RadioStar     and […]

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