Greeting Stargate and convention fans, Today Saturday March 05, 2011 WormholeRiders News Agency is pleased to announce courtesy of Creation Entertainment, the Stargate Vancouver 2011 Gold Tickets Giveaway for their fantastic Stargate Convention to be conducted April 14-17, 2011 at the Hilton Metrotown Burnaby, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia! […]


Greetings Fringe Fans! The profound questions that were raised made us all vibrate with anticipation for the next episode! We therefore begin with a video featuring Lance Reddick and Jasika Nicole discussing the coming war and things “breaking down”. Also included for your pleasure below is the latest “Noble Intentions” […]


Hello again convention fans! CHEVRON 7.5 Firstly a huge thank you to Massive Events for pulling off yet another fantastic weekend. The guests were both funny and entertaining. We had great access to them, a real plus in my books as other events tend to herd you around with little […]

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