Well MS fans, today is the day! What day? Today is the birthday of Michael Shanks Errr Dr. Daniel Jackson! Well of course it is!! Happy Birthday Michael! We hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends! We look forward to seeing Dr. Daniel Jackson again soon in […]


Hi Fellow WormholeRiders and Franchise Television Fans, Update December 11, 2009 (Per inquiries): This is a Stargate SG-1 / Stargate Universe based music news video. Original lead-in with watermarks and artist information required and may not be removed as prescribed. Subsequent to logo’s and artist data, the theme is decidedly […]


Hey Stargate Universe fans! With all our thanks to SyFy, MGM Studios, and NBC, WormholeRiders were granted the privilege to preview Stargate Universe episode 10 ‘Justice’ before the air date today Friday December 04, 2009 on SyFy in the United States. There was something special about the digital copy we […]

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