Hey Chuck Fans, With all our thanks to the wonderful people over at NBC Universal Studios and to Comcast, below please find a special treat: Chuck and stars on location “Behind the Scenes’ during filming of the show in Los Angeles, California. This will be the first of many Chuck […]
Hi Chuck Fans! This weeks new episode “Chuck Versus Operation Awesome” airs Monday January 18th at 8pm ET/P T. Courtesy of NBC Universal we have the privilege on bring you a special extended preview of tonight’s episode. You will not be able to find this special preview on the […]
Hey Sanctuary Fans! For those who missed it or have to wait, here is the Sanctuary season 2 finale trailer! Enjoy! Best Regards, WR_Systems
Hey Stargate Atlantis Fans, Something very funny and enjoyable found by our friend from Twitter, McBeckard!
Hey Invaders Fans, WHR knew about this science fiction news from SyFy two days ago, but has held our release while we focused on fund raising for the disaster in Haiti. Directly below WHR has included a sneak peak from this ground breaking 1967 “The Invaders“science fiction series with a […]
Update: January 16, 2010: WHR has added the link to the new Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Announced just moments ago by President Obama, this fund will be a safe place for you the citizens of the United States to donate your money to help the people of Haiti recover. Supported […]
Hey Adam Baldwin and Chuck Fans! As is customary at Team WHR we often follow the stars of Stargate when they move on in their careers to other movies or television series franchises. As Managing Editor and after consulting with MeaganSue we began looking into following Adam Baldwin, perhaps best […]
Hi Everyone, WHR is aware of an issue with Internet Explorer and our video series. At the time of the last release, and only if you are using Internet Exploder, the browser cache can become corrupted causing the video portion (not audio), to squeeze up at the top of the […]
Hey BattleStar Galactica Fans, Well folks here it is, a new series with a Wormhole theme AND much more!… SyFy’s Caprica. YAY! After days, weeks, months, years and yes even decades, here is the special announcement WHR has been promising. WHR sill support the new SyFy series Caprica! We will […]
PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Distribution – 9:59 PM Pacific Time Zone January 6, 2010! WormholeRiders is pleased to announce that we have added more new reporters! Two in Canada and another based near Los Angeles California, bringing our current total to 10 across the globe! Therefore please welcome to the […]