Hey Avatar and James Cameron Fans, I arrived in the Los Angeles area for WHR business on Tuesday April 27, 2010 precisely on time according to the “Five Minute Rule”. What is the Five Minute Rule and what was the WHR business? Well the title of this news report gives […]

Hey WonderCon Fans! Thought we forgot about WonderCon? Hardly! WHR is just getting started with our detailed news coverage of this fantastic event held April 2-4, 2010 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Produced by the wonderful team of talent at Comic-Con International, WonderCon was a bright event […]

Hey Fans of Charity Functions. WHR is honored to do a follow up report on a super charity event that recently occurred brought to you by request from the fabulous team of people at Warner Brothers and MTV Networks. Click the banner above to visit the cool peeps who sponsored […]

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