Hey Horror and Science Fiction Fans! A Happy Town? Well that depends on your perspective and point of view. ABC Networks has brought a new fantastic series to the viewing audience! If you are a fan of mystery, horror and science fiction blended into the mix, you the viewing public […]
Hey Avatar and James Cameron Fans, I arrived in the Los Angeles area for WHR business on Tuesday April 27, 2010 precisely on time according to the “Five Minute Rule”. What is the Five Minute Rule and what was the WHR business? Well the title of this news report gives […]
Good Evening, Good Morning or Good Afternoon as the case may be! WormholeRiders News Agency is more than pleased and honored to announce five (5) new reporters bringing the total world-wide to 17 to reinforce our news team expansion. These outstanding individuals are listed in geographic order by their locations. […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans! SGU S1x14 ‘Human’ is simply another outstanding episode in an epic saga of our age. With the tale in ‘Human’ all should by now definitely see the direction that Stargate Universe has been on all along in the “Road Taken”. All along it has been quite […]
Hey Star Trek, Fringe and Leonard Nimoy Fans! WHR will be covering the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Exposition this weekend where Leonard Nimoy is appearing. Long known for his role as Spock in the many Star Trek movies and series (Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek Wrath […]
Hey WonderCon Fans! Thought we forgot about WonderCon? Hardly! WHR is just getting started with our detailed news coverage of this fantastic event held April 2-4, 2010 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Produced by the wonderful team of talent at Comic-Con International, WonderCon was a bright event […]
Hey SyFy Fans, Well its all true and about time too! With all the new featured digital content and great new movies like Beyond Sherwood Forest, Riverworld, and MothMan, many talented individuals are moving up the ladder in the corporate world of SyFy and we are pleased to hear it! […]
Hey Fans of Charity Functions. WHR is honored to do a follow up report on a super charity event that recently occurred brought to you by request from the fabulous team of people at Warner Brothers and MTV Networks. Click the banner above to visit the cool peeps who sponsored […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans, If you have not seen Stargate Universe S1x13 “Faith” you may desire to stop reading now. This is a review with analysis. You have been warned. One of the true episodic sagas of our age, Stargate Universe continues the fine tradition of Stargate made possible from […]
Hey Ghostfacers and Warner Brothers Fans! WHR is pleased to announce our support of the outstanding new web TV series Ghostfacers! You heard right people, the wonderful team from Warner Brothers TV who who brings you the fans the likes of Fringe, Human Target and Chuck to your television screens […]