WHR Adds 5 New Reporters: California, England, Florida, Oklahoma and New York!


Good Evening, Good Morning or Good Afternoon as the case may be!

WormholeRiders News Agency  is more than pleased and honored to announce five (5) new reporters bringing the total world-wide to 17 to reinforce our news team expansion. These outstanding individuals are listed in geographic order by their locations. Each has an existing account at WHR based on their Twitter Names.

Therefore, please welcome to the WHR News Agency Team:

OffWorldTravelr: A resident of San Francisco and an experienced writer Click to visit OffWorldTravelr on Twitter!who will focus on convention reporting and a new special project that will be announced by WHR on May 31, 2010.

She worked recently with SciFiFanGirl616, RKW2Bob and I at WonderCon and will cover convention activities in the Western United States including the Creation Entertainment Stargate 2010 convention later this year among others. This brings the California division to a total of four reporters.

HonestHunny: Tracy is an old professional acquaintance from a Stargate project we were associated with several years ago, Click to visit HonestHunny (Tracy) on Twitter!HonestHunny is a superb graphics artist. Tracy will also cover science fiction and entertainment conventions within the United Kingdom.

As well as other projects that WHR will announce in the future, WHR thinks that it is  wonderful to be working again with a talented artist like Tracy!

HonestHunny is not only honest, she will be a great asset to the WHR news team team replacing an individual on the team from 2009 who unfortunately left WHR on March 04, 2010 to pursue other interests.

Russki516: is from Tulsa Oklahoma. He is a gifted writer, student and from his own biography a ”dreamer” of all things science Click to visit Russki516 on Twitter!fiction who will report on convention in the mid west starting with a Star Trek convention in Oklahoma later this month.

Russki516 is also considering writing a special column for WHR that we will announce in the future.

A long time fan of science fiction he will be our anchor in the mid United States Regiion.

Whovian99: This long time friend of WormholeRiders and known by many many people already on Twitter and certainly Click to visit Whovian99 (Trish) on Twitter!throughout Florida, Whovian99 is a gifted writer whom will anchor our new southern United States news division.

Perhaps most exciting. Trish will begin her career with WHR covering the fantastic Vulcan Events convention in Tampa Florida this very next next weekend on April 30 to May 02, 2010

This superb event features Christopher Lloyd,  Catherine Hicks, Tony Todd, Gary Graham, and the one and only Michael Shanks seen only this past Friday Friday in the Stargate Universe episode “Human”.

Ash0283: Listed last by alphabetic geographic location, but most certainly not least, Ash0283 or Ashley is from New York City Click to visit Ash0283 (Ashley) on Twitter!and will anchor one of our newest region , the east coast United States Wormholeriders News division!

A professional writer by trade and experience, Ashley may be perhaps best known for her Women of Science Fiction series, “Ash” will also be covering “The Sanctuary Experience” in Vancouver later this year for which we are very excited. Known for years as a very talented individual the new east coast division of WHR will be greatly enhanced with her presence on the WHR Team!

WHR will have additional similar announcements in the near future as our team grows to bring evermore convention and episodic series coverage news to you the fans. In the meantime, let us all have a very hearty Welcome Aboard to these fine individuals and new WormholeRiders!

So say we all! Click to visit WR_Systems (Kenn) on Twitter

Best Regards,

6 thoughts on “WHR Adds 5 New Reporters: California, England, Florida, Oklahoma and New York!

  1. Hello and Welcome to WHR: russki516, Ash0283,HonestHunny and OffWorldTravelr! Nice to meet you! 🙂
    And *huggles* to my Twitter Sister Whovian99!
    SO glad you’ve come on-board!

    Look forward to reading your future reports!


  2. WOOHOO!

    I’m excited to join the team, looking forward to seeing you all around WHR!

    – Jared

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