Hey Movie and Television Fans! The Saturn Awards were held June 24, 2010 and were amazing. I wish that I could have been there to see Avatar sweep the film awards and the sheer look of glee of Anna Torv on her face for her wonderful win as best actress […]

Update July 06, 2010: Several stars have confirmed they will be able to attend the Auroris Entertainment Pre GateCon Party being conducted at The Canadian on Wednesday July 07, 2010 bringing the total to SEVEN! They are (listed in alphabetical order): The lovely Ms. Genevieve Buechner of Caprica recently interviewed […]


FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION Hey Fringe Fanatics, Be sure to tune in TONIGHT! This evening is a very special LIVE appearance of NaddyCa t and WR_Systems at NDB Media for a LIVE interview with Jasika Nicole with Nadine and I invited by the gracious hosts Roger and Richard of NDB with […]


Hey Stargate and Twilight fans! Well it is all true folks! This weekend WHR will be deploying Senior Reporters covering not one but two Creation Entertainment conventions located in two cities across the country simultaneously! ZOMG! First our Stargate convention team! Lead by none other that our dear Sr. Reporter […]

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