Welcome Back La Brea and Wormhole Time Travel Science Fiction Lovers!

Subsequent to two full superb seasons since we began our journey from the present in 2021 when the Harris family heroes and many others fell into a wormhole sinkhole to 10,000 BC trapping them all in the past. We discovered that meddling from a further distant time in the future from the year 2076 has occurred with unknown impacts on the timeline.
The second season ended with a two part episodes called “The Journey” on a cliffhanger as Eve (Natalie Zea) is sucked into a wormhole portal to time periods unknown just after the Time Travel Facility in 10,000 BC is destroyed in the previous episode “The Swarm”.
The consequence of the facilities destruction is that new wormhole portals opened up in the skies creating visible “auroras” in the sky that deposit dinosaurs from various prehistoric eras. These dinosaurs are now roaming the countryside including vicious Velociraptors, Tyrannosaurus Rex and others that end up destroying the survivor’s encampment in 10,000 B.C.

With La Brea renewed for a third and final season, series creator David Appelbaum updated fans on how the third season came together prior to the second season finale. “At its core, the show continues to be about this divided family trying to get back together and make it home. That’s really always at the center of the show, and that will continue to be there. But it’s also a show about survival, and can we survive in this inhospitable place of 10,000 B.C.”
“I’ve always had in mind an idea for where things would end, and where we wanted to bring things back at the very end with our characters, with certain tent poles to end the seasons and some major story moments.”
“But I’ve always kept myself open to new ideas, because you bring in a team of writers who are all really smart people with their own takes, and you get notes from the producers and the network, you just have to stay fluid in that process. But it’s also important, as the creator, to have certain milestones that are rock solid. It’s a real balancing game that you play.”

Past season La Brea adventures have encompassed trips from the Time Travel Facility to 1988 where a young Gavin (Eoin Macken) finished growing up until he met and fell in love with Eve.
Fathering two children Josh (Jack Martin) and Izzy (Zyra Gorecki), things went sideways for Gavin including alcohol abuse subsequent to experiencing visions from 10,000 BC that everyone believed were alcohol induced hallucinations.

During the past two seasons, both Gavin and Levi (Nicholas Gonzalez) traveled from 10,000 BC to the future all the while attempting to save Eve, family, and new found friends trapped in the past with dinosaurs and hostile individuals whose goals could change reality forever!
The time travel adventures took us to 1988 where the Harris family had ventured to ensure that Gavin would grow up as he was supposed to in order to avoid a time paradox that might result in all of them becoming nonexistent in present timeline.

Along the way we became invested in the lives of all La Brea survivors. As with millions of viewers across time, we too ventured on an exciting emotional roller coaster ride adventure. Surviving antagonists mentioned in our previous analysis evolved into ever expanding wormhole time travel sinkholes that have adversely impacted hundreds, if not thousands of lives across the multiple timelines.
Season three started airing January 09, 2024 with an episode named “Sierra” that revealed the title came from a person Gavin knows from his past where we will discover how, and if, our time traveling friends will ever be able to find their way home?

The episode opens with Gavin still suffering from visions that date back to his time with Izzy, Josh, Levi and Eve at home before everyone ended up trapped in 10,000 BC well before the experiences of the future now the past in La Brea.
In the present of 10,000 BC reality Gavin is in possession of a laptop computer that may hold the key to lead his family and all the survivors toward a new way home.

“Sierra” is an extremely fast moving, absolutely enjoyable episode written by David Appelbaum and was directed by Ron Underwood.
The focus is on the characters that are known to be returning in season three. These include Eve, Gavin, Levi, Izzy, Josh, Sam (Jon Seda), Ty (Chiké Okonkwo), Paara (Tonantzin Carmelo), Riley (Veronica St. Clair), Lucas (Josh McKenzie), Veronica (Lily Santiago), Scott (Rohan Mirchandaney), Judah (Damien Fotiou), Silas (Mike Lee), Petra (Asmara Feik), and a new character named Maya Schmidt (Claudia Ware), code named “Sierra”, for which the episode is named.

By their absence, we learn the future visitor’s from 2076 appear to have either been killed in the Time Travel Facility explosion or perhaps some escaped to other time periods like Eve. The actors who are not returning include Ella (Michelle Vergara Moore), James Mallet (Jonno Roberts), Gavin’s mother Dr. Caroline Clark (Melissa Neal) and an evil scheming doctor named Kira (Simone McAullay).
With the exception of Ella, each of these characters were competing for control of the Time Travel Facilty that Rebecca Aldridge (Ming-Zhu Hii) built before she passed away in 10,000 BC.

Lucas and Veronica rally the survivors to build protective barriers and large fires in an effort to keep the dinosaurs away.
We learn that the couple are pregnant and receive the sincere well wishes from everyone in the encampment.
During this episode, the bond between Veronica and Lucas grows stronger are they look forward in mutual terror at the thought of becoming parents!

The La Brea survivor’s hopes of having escaped the destructive dinosaurs become a nightmare when several of the creatures come upon the encampment and destroy it sending our heroes fleeing for their lives.
The dinosaur fighting scenes are well done and realistic looking as the prehistoric creatures destroy the survivor’s encampment.

Prior to the destruction of the encampment, Izzy and Gavin discuss how, with all the wormhole aurora portals apparently closed, will they ever find Eve, let alone get back to 2021? Gavin, always the optimist tells Izzy that he believes that the laptop he managed to take from the Time Travel Facility before it’s destruction is the key. Izzy is doubtful of, or if, they will ever find Eve or be able to return home to their correct time.
Izzy seeks out Ty for some guidance before the dinosaurs attack. To make matters worse, the laptop is left behind during the scramble to flee from the dinosaurs.

Gavin, Levi and Sam leads the group to the safety of Paara’s and Ty’s village fort. Viewers will recall that Paara and Ty were married last season.
While all are out looking for vegetables and other items of interest, Gavin experiences more visions from his past that includes a woman code named name “Sierra”. In discussing this, Gavin finds out that Levi remembers the events of that day from the past too.

Unfortunately, while out exploring and professing their growing love for each other, Josh and Riley encounters a Velociraptor and are attacked.
Riley, while attempting to protect Josh, is seriously injured and is taken back to the fort where a distraught Sam sutures and bandages his daughter hoping that a life threatening infection does not kill her.
Riley regains consciousness telling her father that the internal and external injuries likely mean she is not going to survive devastating Sam.

Josh shares that Riley saved his life during the Raptor incident while Sam asks that Ty and Gavin to excuse themselves so that he can be alone with his daughter Riley.
Outside Ty tells Gavin that Paara and Silas are away from the safety of the village fort. Silas and Paara are in process of patching up relationships that were damaged when the Time Travel Facility troublemakers turned the peaceful inhabitants against each other or enslaved them for their purposes of saing the future by raiding the past for botanical specimens.

Levi, who has been missing from the fort, shows up with a peace offering for Gavin after he went back to the encampment to retrieve the laptop computer which incidentally has a dead battery. This leads to a fun sequence with Scott and Petra who have a table full of potatoes with electric probes stuck into them to provide battery power to the laptop.
This may be a science fiction time travel show, however the creators wove science fact into this episode, like the Baghdad Battery of the Egyptians from thousands of years ago, it is proven scientific fact that a Potato Battery can provide electrical power as well!

During this sequence Petra shares with Scott that she and her mother ran away from the military base operating in 10,000 BC because they were “bad people” there. Later we learn that Petra’s mother may be with whom Gavin knows from his memory visions when he was a government agent. Scott powers the laptop and Gavin notices that someone is communicating with them on screen. It’s someone who says on the screen communication software that she can help Gavin find Eve if he finds “Sierra”.
Meanwhile, Scott is able to trace the messages to a signal he tracked using a map on the laptop. Gavin, Ty, Levi, Petra and Scott set out to find the source of the signal received on the laptop computer. The group splits up with Gavin seeking out Levi to to talk about his latest visions from the past.

Levi helps Gavin recall that it was the day he met someone named “Sierra” who tells Gavin the government is not “done with you”. The woman he worked with is Sierra, a call sign communications signal.
Levi tells Gavin that Sierra is also known as Maya Schmidt who happens to be Petra’s mother! What we do not yet know is how does this all calculate into Gavin ‘s life as a government agent?

The episode draws to a conclusion with Gavin and Levi running off in different directions to find Petra to ask her some questions about her mother.
Levi finds Petra but both are hit with a dart that contains some sort of tranquilizer that knocks them both out.
Before losing consciousness, Levi in a blur, sees two men approaching him who appear to be in uniforms of some sort.

The final scenes find us with Gavin, Ty, and Scott who while searching for Levi and Petra, find Petra’s locket on the ground likely left there on purpose as a clue for Gavin, Ty and Scott.
Suddenly our three heroes observe a helicopter that appears flying overhead. Ty indicates that the helicopter came from the military base that Petra and her mother had escaped from. It becomes obvious that Levi and Petra have been captured by the nefarious military forces operating in 10,000 BC.

Next, Ty takes them to a dual colored aurora time portal wormhole that is open nearby. This time travel factor was discussed near the end of season two when Gavin’s mother, in conjunction with other aspects of the Time Travel Facility, explained that a dual aurora wormhole portal opens to two distinct destinations in time.
Finally, Izzy, Josh and Sam arrive with Riley on a stretcher. Josh, knowing that Riley is dying, decides to take her through the portal to find a hospital to save her life. Ty jumps to stop Josh but instead is pulled into the blue part of the aurora time travel portal. When Ty awakes he is in 2021 on September 21, a few weeks BEFORE the original wormhole sinkhole opened in the pilot episode of La Brea.

Final questions to consider: Where do Josh and Riley end up, and when? Are they with Eve and Sierra? What is the time period? Will Riley survive? At this point we do not know!
Tune in next week for “Don’t Look Up” and please join us each of the next five weeks on X (Twitter) to enjoy a fun live tweet for the final season of La Brea when we will find out the secrets of season three in 10,000 BC in order to hopefully find “The Road Home” Back To The Future!
We will be back in the near future with more of La Brea season three as well as your favorite television series and movie analysis. In the meantime, please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or family and leave your comments!
We look forward to you visiting our dedicated review and analysis web site here in the future! Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit TeamWHR on Twitter, or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and TeamWHR look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side!“
Best Regards,
Kenn of #TeamWHR