Interview with DCD Collects – 100 Years Experience in the World of Collectable Memorabilia!

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Welcome back WormholeRiders,

2023-07-23 DCD Collects at SDCC2023
Images by Kenn of #TeamWHR

Many people enjoy collecting memorabilia from the adventures that they experience in life. This includes items from their photos from their travels, their families and friends, and important to many, various aspects of the entertainment industry including television, theater and movies, sport teams, historical documents, numismatics, stamps and many other aspects encountered in life.

On Sunday July 23, 2023 we had the honor of interviewing the DCD Collects owners Douglas Dreier and Trevor Hocking at San Diego Comic-Con 2023 courtesy of Marc Kruskol Public Relations. During our time together we discussed the history of their fabulous company that specializes in collectables sought by people from all over the world when they visit entertainment conventions such as those produced by Comic-Con International. The interview reveals the history of DCD Collects, the terrific types of items they offer consumers, how they started and where they are going in 2023 and beyond! 

We include our interview with the DCD Collects owners below for your enjoyment.



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About DCD Collects:

2023-07-23 Trevor and Doug of DCD Collects at SDCC2023Owners Douglas Dreier and Trevor Hocking are thrilled be partnering with DC the Breaker. Together, they have a combined 100 years in the world of collectables. With experience in trading cards, memorabilia (both sport and entertainment), natural history, historical documents, currency, and books, they have a wide range of knowledge and expertise.

Nobody matches DCD Collects when it comes to breaks. More than cards for DC, it’s about the passion. Beyond that, all three believe in ethics and transparency in their job. Their love and dedication to this hobby and the community it creates are the reason they are here.

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!We will be back in the near future with one more fun feature article about our awesome adventures at San Diego Comic-Con 2023!

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Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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