Across The Massive Verse Interviews at San Diego Comic-Con 2024!

2024-07-30 Across The Massive Verse banner

Welcome Back Graphic Novel Lovers!

2024-07-26 Across The Massive Verse poster
Across The Massive Verse courtesy Black Market Narrative

On Friday July 26, 2024 we met and interviewed several people involved with Across The Massive Verse graphic novel series at San Diego Comic-Con 2024.

The Massive-Verse superstars, who we were honored by Super PR Guy Gary Miereanu who set up the Press Room interviews, were Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Melissa Flores, Ryan Parrott, and Joe Clark in the Press Room where they shared details of their successful stories Across The Massive Verse.

These talented individuals shared with TeamWHR details about what graphic novel admirers can expect in the fascinating Across The Massive-Verse series in 2024 and beyond including the announcement by Kyle D. Higgins on his Substack of an exciting adaptation of No/One by ZQ Entertainment into a full length feature film!

The genius of their Massive Verse series is that these individuals have created is a fabulous interconnected universe of superhero stories that span galactic science fiction, gothic fantasy, teen drama, and noir murder mysteries in a fabulous format that began over a decade ago by Kyle Higgins with the first novel in the series COWL in 2014.

2024-07-26 Kyle Higgens Across The Massive Verse Press Room
Kyle Higgins, creator of Across The Massive Verse – Image by Kenn of WormholeRiders #TeamWHR

During our time in the Massive Verse Press Room we learned specifics about the creators of these graphic novels in the series including Radiant Black, Rogue Sun and No/One.

The series includes many other offerings that are featured not only at their official website, but also on their Black Market Narrative YouTube channel where you can learn more about the creators of Across The Massive Verse!

As described at their official website; “Every book in the Massive-Verse is completely self-contained, telling its own story with its own cast of characters. The more you read the more you’ll discover fun connective tissue between the series, but you can read as many or as few series as you’d like and you’ll still get complete narrative experiences from each book.”


2024-07-26 Across The Massive Verse Press Room
Ryan Parrott, Kyle Higgins, Joe Clark, Melissa Flores, Brian Buccellato – Image by Kenn of WormholeRiders #TeamWHR

We include our San Diego Comic-Con 2024 interviews above for your enjoyment as well as select videos below that delineate the graphic novels we discussed in the Press Room.

Importantly, we thank Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Melissa Flores, Ryan Parrott, and Joe Clark for graciously sharing their time discussing how they created their outstanding offerings that are certain to enthrall lovers of graphic novels.

We truly enjoyed our time together when learning about the details of their wonderful series, thank you Across The Massive Verse!



Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on X!We will be back soon to continue reporting on our adventures this year at San Diego for Comic-Con 2024, including more exclusive interviews featuring details dished to fans during the Press Rooms we covered! In the meantime, please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or your family!

We look forward to you visiting our dedicated review and analysis web site here in the future! Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit TeamWHR on X, or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and TeamWHR look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on X!

Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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