Welcome back WormholeRiders and Van Helsing Lovers!

With the superb fourth season of Van Helsing now nearly half over after beginning September 27, 2019, we here are #TeamWHR’s are pleased to resume our coverage of this outstanding series that is broadcast to the delight of Dracula admirers each week on SYFY.
The fourth season of Van Helsing will positively pivot with the sixth episode, “Miles and Miles” that concludes with a happy (good) ending.
As fans are aware, a good ending for our heroes has been elusive over the past seasons as they fight to survive in a post apocalyptic dystopian world. Subsequent when The Rising began, that began in the first episode “Help Me” good endings have been exceedingly been rare for our heroes to accomplish.
In “Miles and Miles” many of our beloved top cast members from Van Helsing including Kelly Overton, Aleks Paunovic, Christopher Heyerdahl, Rukiya Bernard, Rowland Pidlubny, Tricia Helfer, Nicole Muñoz, Keeya King, Jennifer Choen, Caroline Cave, Neal McDonough, and Jesse Stanley are all on episode hiatus for the time being.
These aforementioned cast members will begin to return in the seventh episodes and beyond, starting with “Metamorphosis” when Dracula, portrayed by Tricia Helfer will be introduced officially in Van Helsing.

“Miles and Miles” focuses on an amazing adventure with Phil (Vincent Gale) and Axel (Jonathan Scarfe) who are tracking down evil Max Borman (Richard Harmon). Max has kidnapped Phil’s wife Jennifer (Holly Elisa) and her young son Owen (Alexander Brophy) for his nefarious, yet to be revealed purposes.
Although we admire all the fine actors in Van Helsing, the undisputed superstar of “Miles and Miles” is a young actor named Alexander Brophy. Alexander deserves an award for his outstanding performance as Owen.
Bravo, well done young man! We look forward to your continued successes in the entertainment industry in the future.
Miles and Miles:

As we continue to cover Van Helsing in their fourth fabulous season, we often look back fondly to our prediction in 2016 that Van Helsing as a science fiction adventure series would run many successful seasons. TeamWHR hopes that Van Helsing will be renewed for many more superb seasons beyond season four!

“Miles and Miles” opens with several awesome cinematography scenes featuring beautiful panoramic views.”Miles and Miles” was written by Jackie May and directed by Kimani Ray Smith in his third directing role, his first for Van Helsing.
Both of these gifted creators did a fabulous job on the story arc, artfully presenting “Miles and Miles” to Van Helsing series admirers!

As we zoom into to the rugged and absolutely gorgeous landscape, we find ourselves with Axel and Flesh.
Our two heroes are talking about how they will find evil Max, and just what they plan to do when they find him, Jennifer and Owen.
That is of course besides killing evil Max!

Phil is worried sick they may never catch up with Max when suddenly they spot Owen’s teddy bear on the road.
Phil retrieves the teddy bear commenting to Axel that he is certain Owen threw the teddy bear on the road on purpose to let his friends Phil and Axel know what direction that he and his Mom are headed.

As we have long suspected since previous episodes in Max’s blue narcotic mining prison camp, Owen is actually Phil’s son.
Jennifer has refused to let Phil know the truth after what happened in season one when Phil was a vampire and was directly involved with the death of their children. Phil is trying to make amends to earn Jennifer’s trust again and is respecting Jennifer’s space. This effort by Phil will earn him such by episodes end.

Next, Phil and Axel come upon an abandoned school bus used to ferry slaves to the blue narcotic manufacturing prison and hear howling. They find bad news, two of Max’s guards dead.
Did Max kill them himself?
And just where is Max going with Jennifer and Owen?

While examining the contents of the school bus, Phil and Axel are attacked by a group of what appear to be Mad Max (the movie) type of blood thirsty miscreant Daywalkers.
Shots are fired by Axel in a failed attempt to drive off the malcontents.

Unfortunately, Max hears the gunfire and is thereby alerted by the melee and uses is sniper scope rifle to see what is going on.
Max is observed snorting more of the narcotic blue powder which appears to have a nasty side effect, it’s a highly addictive substance that Max is addicted to as we will soon discover!

Max decides to let Jennifer drive the Jeep so he can keep an eye on things with his trusty sniper rifle that we will see more of later in the episode.
Jennifer get in the Jeep and comforts Owen telling him that everything will be alright. However,it is clear Jennifer is concerned about drug crazed evil Max.
Axel and Phil try to continue their pursuit of Max but are surrounded by the malcontents who demand blood for freedom, but for only one of them!

To make matters worse, Axel’s truck breaks down forcing Phil and Axel to fight it out with the miscreant blood sucking Daywalker leeches.
Axel uses a hand grenade on the Daywalkers near his beloved truck which causes it to be blown to smithereens. This kills most of the many malcontents while the others try unsuccessfully to flee for their misguided lives. Axel and Phil, with their hybrid human healing powers, only suffer a few scratches heading out on foot to catch up with Max who they figure must need rest at some time.

While Max observes all of this via his sniper scope rifle, Jennifer uses the time to take possession of Max’s narcotic blue powder stash.
Jennifer tells Owen to run for his life towards Phil and Axel holding Max at bay with his jar of the narcotic, threatening to dump it out!

Max drops his gun in a temporary surrender as he copes with this turn-about disaster. Sadly, Max tells Jennifer that Owen may never make it to Phil and Axel with miscreant scavengers running loose in the area. Jennifer, defeated, yells for Owen to return to the Jeep. In an act of revenge against evil Max, Jennifer drops the jar of the blue narcotic on a rock that splatters the drug into the dirt. Max, fuming and angry, scurries to scrape up as much as possible of his drugs into a plastic baggie.

Max stops at a town along the way in an abandoned house telling Jennifer and Owen to get some rest. In the meantime, Max snorts bunch of the blue narcotic drug mixed with dirt to try and stay alert during the night.
In their bedroom, Owen asks about what it was like before The Rising. Jennifer shares with Owen how wonderful it was in the olden days. Jennifer promises Owen that things will be better in the future, fibbing to Owen since things do not look good as Max’s prisoners. Owen is smart and realizes that so long as they are held hostage by Max that he may not be able to experience good times.

Owen waits until his Mom is fast asleep and quietly goes to find Max’s room to take matters into his own hands, literally! The drug is not working well mixed with dirt so Owen finds Max asleep as well.
Owen grabs Max’s gun on the table letting loose a round wounding Max!

Max, who we learned in the previous episode is also a hybrid, is not killed. Max takes back the gun and threatens to kill Owen. In the scuffle, Max has lost the keys to the Jeep (in actuality Owen stole the keys). Max is livid, but decides to keep Jennifer and Owen alive as bargaining chips for something hideous he has planned for his own escape from the blood lust scavenger community. They head out on foot to Max’s next destination.

Axel and Phil reach the abandoned town and try to figure out where Max, Jennifer and Owen are.
Things go from bad to worse because the miscreant Daywalkers have followed them, and they are hungry!
The malcontents attack and take Axel and Phil prisoners. Axel and Flesh are tied and bound while one of the miscreants tries to feed on them.
Axel and Phil do not taste good and in the hysteria, the miscreant, who does not like the taste of their blood, Phil and Axel kill the bad guy and successfully escape.

In the morning Axel and Flesh head to where they believe Max has taken Jennifer and Owen. Oddly, Max is gone, however his Jeep is still at the abandoned house.
Max has taken up a perch to spy on the Jeep and begins using his sniper scope rifle to wound Phil and hit Axel in the head. As this juncture, I thought Axel was dead, only to remember that Axel can heal so long as his head is not chopped off.

Max uses this time to escape to an ally of his named Matty (Bradley Stryker), who survives well because he deals fresh blood to the miscreant Daywalker scavengers.
Max offers Jennifer as a trade for blood that he needs for the next part of his sickening scheme to negotiate for his own freedom.

Matty agrees to the blood exchange for Jennifer while Max takes Owen as hostage for his plan.
Jennifer begs to say goodbye to Owen and secretly slips Owen her hidden weapon, a sharp knife telling Owen to attack Max whenever he gets a chance to try and escape.

Jennifer is taken inside Matty’s house.
Viewers are lead to believe it is for raping Jennifer, but it is far worse.
Matty fattens up his victims to ultimately drain their blood for trading to the miscreant Daywalker scavengers.
The victims, like Jennifer are held in small filthy cages with feeding tubes stuffed into their mouths until it is time to drain their blood.
With Max on the run with Owen, Phil and Axel burst into Matty’s house of horrors finding people being fed by tubes and bled out in cages.
It is a horrific set of scenes as Phil finds Jennifer bound and gagged and frees her.

Outside while interrogating Matty about where Max has gone, Jennifer waits until Matty provides answers, promptly grabs a gun, killing the malcontent miscreant Matty with a single shot to the head!
Jennifer, Axel and Phil leave Matty’s house of horrors to find Max and Owen taking Matty’s truck in the process.

Young but smart, Owen is deliberately delaying Max by being difficult to deal with.
Max is obviously not good with children and gets distracted which gives Owen a chance to stab Max in the leg.
Max freaks out but knows that he still needs Owen to fulfill the final detail of his evil escape plan which we will learn about shortly.

Phil and Jennifer arrive in Matty’s truck at a location that it is Max’s final destination, a vampire free zone haven that we can observe just across a river.
Jennifer tells Phil to go and save their son Owen, finally admitting what we suspected all along.

Max expects to meet a Daywalker that will need to be paid to make good his escape plan. Jennifer takes aim at Max while Phil moves forward to try and negotiate with Mac.
Axel is apparently not with Jennifer and Phil. We observe that Max is holding Owen hostage still hoping to escape.

In a surprise scene, apparently one of the miscreant scavengers appears behind Max and Owen. Max offers the blood and Owen to the apparent Daywalker for his own freedom. Now we know that what was Max was hiding, that a paid toll of blood and human sacrifice is required to get to a safe area free of vampires.
In the final exciting scenes, we learn that Axel has disguised himself in scavenger clothing and tells Max to surrender. Max refuses threatening Owen.

Max begs for his life stating that he was an unwilling vampire victim of diabolical Dmitri (Paul Johansson) from the season one episode “Fear Her” and became a hybrid after Vanessa defeated him earlier in the series.
Max says that he has just trying to save his own life, begging for mercy.
Axel and Phil will have none of it, having had enough of this trouble maker. Axel shoots Max while Phil sneaks up and chops Max’s head off, killing him once and for all!
Good riddance evil Max!
Phil chats with Axel indicating that he is done fighting and that he really needs to take care of his family from here on out.
Axel understands everything Phil has been through and says goodbye to his dear friend as Phil joins Jennifer and Owen telling him that he is a smart kid!

Phil, Jennifer and Owen head across the river to the vampire free zone in a very good ending for this terrifically touching family story!
Our super star of the episode, Owen reveals a surprise for Axel, that he had stolen the keys to Max’s Jeep, giving them to Axel as our reunited family heads off together to freedom!
The good ending makes “Miles and Miles” a wonderfully delightful episode, one of the best of the series!
In closing for now, we are confident if you have not watched this great series, we suggest that you tune to SYFY at 10p/9c each week to watch the exciting season four concluding episodes. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy Van Helsing season four as much as we do!
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Best Regards,
Kenn of TeamWHR