Hello once again Stargate fans!
Stargate Universe continues this evening with “Malice” on SyFy at 9 PM east and west time zones with one of the best Stargate episodes of all time across all three series and three movies. “Malice” is the second of two parts that began with “The Greater Good”. WHR assures you that Stargate fans do not want to miss the second of them, “Malice”!
WARNING: Certain parts of the series, and the music news videos specifically of season two episode eight “Malice” are discussed and illustrated. However the details will NOT be discussed so you can enjoy them for yourself.
My grade for “Malice”? An A PLUS. This episode is the proof that Stargate Universe is Stargate and always has been. My hope? A season three of SGU!
The fact that the franchise changed demonstrates the maturity of the MGM Stargate efforts so eloquently that some have become perplexed by the deep story arc. Nonetheless, Stargate Universe is rooted in the original mythology of Stargate, The Ancients.
We continue focus on the series development that accentuates why the discoveries on Destiny are edification of the purposes of The Ancients. These factors which I refer to as Dr. Rush’s “Dirty Little Secret” are discussed on the MGM Stargate site interview featuring Robert Carlyle.
REPEAT: Some passages and the Dr. Rush promotional trailer on revenge (below courtesy of MGM Studios) may be be considered spoilers by some fans of the series. If you do not enjoy spoilers, please stop reading and viewing now. Thank you.
Before beginning, WormholeRiders News Agency once again expresses thanks to SyFy Publicity for making “The Greater Good” and “Malice” available to our team for pre air date review. We appreciate the courtesy extended by SyFy Publicity staff for entrusting WHR with the digital material much as Adam Brody (Peter Kelamis) is trusted at the controls of Destiny in Stargate Universe.
We would also like to thank our friends in the Stargate Fandom for the wonderful music news video we feature below supporting an effort to promote a Stargate Universe season three.
And no we did not hold them at gun point like the Lucian Alliance!
This review is an ongoing analysis development in the series including theories. As excellently illustrated by the character actors in Stargate Universe, you will see for yourselves just how much thought and hard work has gone into creating SGU.
Last week we began such an analysis tied to the developing storyline. This week we will continue the analysis including paying homage to one of the Stargate legends, Mr. Robert C. Cooper. The images used herein are exclusively from “Malice” including ‘as previously seen on SGU’ shots in the prologue.
First, as previously reported, congratulations to Robert Carlyle for his 2010 Gemini award. Mr. Carlyle’s portrayal of Dr. Nicholas Rush in the series is brilliant. We featured our initial character analysis starting with Dr. Rush last week being hopeful he would earn the acclaim he so richly deserves from the Gemini award committee. We we NOT disappointed! In “Malice” you will once again see why he won the award. Simply put, the mastery of Robert Carlyle as Dr. Nicholas Rush is a pleasure to behold.
Of note before the overview analysis of “Malice” is the team lead ably by Mark Savela and his Visual Effects Coordinator Sonia Gilmore of The Bridge Studios located in Vancouver British Columbia. Nominated for an Emmy, this team of many contributors should be commended and supported for their outstanding accomplishments. Their visual effects magic are quite prominently featured in Stargate Universe “Malice”.
As seen in the Stargate Universe trailer above “Malice” begins with a horrific scene leading to pure acts of malice by a member of the Lucian Alliance who has been driven previously witnessed as overcome by jealousy and resentment regarding another crew member. The complexity of such rich episodic emotion is not hard to internalize based on the real world that we live in. The effects of the ongoing acts leads to a fateful conclusion within “Malice” that many will relate to when they see the ending minutes.
Written and directed by Robert C. Cooper, “Malice” reflects much in our the real world of action and emotional reaction of people operating under stressful conditions. WHR had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Cooper. This episode represents some of his last active contributions to the Stargate Franchise as he discussed with us at Comic-Con earlier this year. You may click the image below or text link above to understand his intent.
Now that the crew of Destiny has learned about Dr. Rush’s “dirty little secret”, the consequences of that discovery lead the crew to a planet to search for a missing member of the Lucian Alliance who has gone through the Destiny “Gate” to escape.
Dr. Rush is the first to go through the gate to find out what has happened. It is here that he finds Dr. Park (Jennifer Spence) waiting on the other side after she has been held at gunpoint for reasons you will learn when you see “Malice” for yourself.
The away mission is lead by the crews erstwhile young officer Lt. Matthew Scott (Brian J. Smith), supported by Sgt. Greer (Jamil Walker Smith), Lt. Vanessa James (Julia Benson). I cannot reveal the story line of what happens on the planet, but I can and will share this; The activities on the planet are shot on location in the Badlands of New Mexico. The cinematography and visual effects are stunning in their raw natural beauty.
The episode “Malice” is filled with action, adventure and explosive scenes as crew of Destiny on the planet works closely together with one exception you find out only at the end of the episode.
If “The Greater Good” is a “Rubicon” episode (using a phrase we borrowed from Brian J. Smith), then “Malice” is the crossing of that rubicon both on the planet (as seen above) with Julia Benson and back aboard as the crew including David Blue, Peter Kelamis, Patrick Gilmore and Elyse Levesque investigate Dr. Rush’s not so little secret.
Meanwhile our poor medical officer TJ (Alaina Huffman) and Col. Young (Justin Louis as Louis Ferreira) deal with blood and gore of the events that took place! Suffice it to say the scenes leading up to the ending sequences of episode 8 “Malice” are clearly what the the epic nature of Stargate has always been about.
The location of the secret bridge on board the Destiny in “The Greater Good” proves my earlier theory that The Ancients were on their mission in distant galaxies to find the secrets of existence and life itself. My theory about the original crew of Ancients opens many new secrets about where the Destiny has been and why.
In the opinion of this reviewer, the question remains are Dr. Rush’s apparitions the Ancients way to guide the crew to find the path to not only ensure the survival of the humans aboard Destiny in this galaxy to complete the mission about the microwave radiation messages? Can Chloe (Elyse Levesque) help solve the equations?
As the story progresses beyond “Malice”, the next question we should consider is whether or not The Ancients (who can cross galactic distances with ease) will reveal themselves? And when will they do so? Or will they take a hands off approach as in Stargate SG-1 unless disaster threatens the mission of Destiny? I suggest that you tune in as we will to find out the Secrets of The Ancients as they continue to unfold!
We leave you now but will return with more Stargate Universe news in the near future including character analysis over the course of season two. Stargate Universe returns this evening on SyFy at 9 PM East and West in the United States. “Malice” is such a superb episode filled with so many wonders of Stargate, we suggest that you get set and go through the Gate to their, your and our Destiny!
Your support would be appreciated by the creators, actors, writers, and crews, so If you can, please view the episode live to enjoy the series as we here at WHR have.
In closing, please resist the urge to illegally download Stargate Universe or any other program or movie because if you do you are not only committing a crime, you are supporting the siphoning of revenue away from the creators to persons of dubious intent whom are only profiting from the hard work of others. Your help in promoting an anti-piracy campaign not only helps Stargate, but all others who work so hard to bring their labors to our homes and theatres around the world. Thank you for not being a pirate!
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Hey Hilda,
Thank you. Malice was indeed an outstanding episode of SGU. Thanks for the compliment on the images. When we chat I will share with you how it is done!
Best Regards
I love what you did with some of these pictures, Kenn. They are beautiful. This was Stargate at its best–Indeed! Thank you for your report. I enjoyed it.