Phoenix ComicCon Convention – Live Four Day Coverage!


Click to visit Pheonix Comiccon Dot Com

Hey there convention fans!

Well today is the day we have all been waiting for! What day?

Here at WormholeRiders we are pleased to announce “Live from the Convention” news coverage of the fantastic Phoenix Comicon, a four day convention event. Rest assured that WHR will be there for you the fans of comics and science fiction! All our thanks to the team at Phoenix Comicon and Ms. Kate Davids! Oh and please use the hash tag #PHXCC in your tweets about the con. Thanks!

The Phoenix Comicon takes place starting today and runs the entire weekend Memorial Day weekend, May 27th-30th, 2010. We will be tweeting LIVEClick to visit Ray Park (Darth Maul) at Phoenix Comc-Con from the convention all four days starting tonight at approximately 6 PM Pacific time. The WHR team is very excited to be reporting on this convention! There are many awesome guests this year. There are many stars we  will report on. The celebrities  are wonderful people and our team are most looking forward to report on the following:

The fabulous Ray Park! Ray is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, ToJanes Marsters of Capricaad in X-Men, Snake-Eyes in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, and Edgar on Heroes.

The wonderful James Marsters from Caprica, Buffy and Angel! Our reporters love James and our reporters of  WHR had the delightful pleasure of visiting with at WonderCon San Francisco 2010 courtesy of Light Speed Entertainment! Levar Burton of Star Trek Next Generation

Science fiction super stars Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) and LeVar Burton (Geordi) both from the beloved series and movies Star Trek: The Next Generation. Both will be appearing at Phoenix ComicCon convention LIVE!

Wil Wheaton - Wesley of Star Trek Next Generation

And perhaps my favorites,the talented comic book and movie legend, the Click to visit Stan Lee on IMDBcreative master Mr. Stan Lee. Stan will be signing autographs and of course is the co-creator of Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, the X-Men and so many more we cannot possibly mention them all here!

AND last but certainly not least, the very lovely and gifted Ms. Felicia Day (pictured below), the creator and star of the fantastic series “The Guild, Click to visit Felicia Day on Twitter!

As you may already know Felicia Day created, writes, and stars in the web series The Guild which finished it’s third season on November 24, 2009. If you have not seen “The Guild”, you must rectify that situation immediately!

Click the image or link below so you can watch all three seasons (12 episodes per season, 5-10 minute episodes) at Do it. Now!

Click to visit Felicia Day at The Guild Dot Com!

Click to view line up at Pheonix ComicCon!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!You may also leave me directed tweets for news coverage suggestions by visiting me or WormholeRiders on our Click to visit MeaganSue on Twitter!Twitter pages. 

Simply click the avatars left and below right to let me know what conventions news you would like me to focus on.

We will do our best to internalize your requests!

Thank you! 🙂



I'm a big fan of ALL things Sci-Fi. Just to name a few, I love Farscape, Stargate (all of them), and Sanctuary! Also, going back to the good old days, Quantum Leap, Sliders, and X-Files. :D

3 thoughts on “Phoenix ComicCon Convention – Live Four Day Coverage!

  1. Very nice post. I just stopped by by your website and wanted to say that I have truly enjoyed checking your posts. Any way, I’ll be subscribing to your feed and also I’m hoping you post again soon!

  2. Thank you! I didn’t know that. I stopped watching halfway through season 2 and never caught back up… :\

  3. Looking forward to your coverage. Ray Park, by the way, was also in this past season of “Heroes” on NBC.

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Phoenix Comicon: Preview Night - Wil Wheaton, Comics, Dren and Fun!

Fri May 28 , 2010
Hello again! First our special thanks to Ms. Kate Davids of Phoenix Comicon for all her wonderful help! Howdy from the Southwest Desert!  We’ve actually been having unseasonably cool(ish) weather this week here in Phoenix, which is probably nice for the guests of the Phoenix Comicon as they are surely […]

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