Welcome back WormholeRiders, One of the most beloved science fiction television franchise shows in all television entertainment history is Babylon 5. Returning to San Diego Comic-Con on July 22, 2023 with a new movie named “Babylon 5: The Road Home”, series creator J. Michael Straczynski and Director by Matt Peters […]

Welcome back to You Decide! We are honored and pleased to announce our next special guest host, the larger than life Star Trek Klingon, General and now Chancellor Martok, John Garman (J.G.) Hertzler, this Sunday February 24, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific time for an exciting and fun interview here […]


Well Sci-fi fans, it appears our prayers have been answered! On September 29, 2010 scientists announced that they had found an “Earth-like” planet named Gliese 581g.  Gliese 581g is an extrasolar planet that is located in the Gliese 581 Planetary system in the constellation Libra.  Gliese 581g is the fourth […]

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