Hi Stargate Universe Fans! July 20, 2009 3:00 PM Update: It’s official according to our sources and SyFy’s own website! SGU will premiere Friday October 2, 2009 at 10:00 PM eastern time, 7:00 PM pacific time on SyFy (7:00 PM pacific if you get eastern SyFy feed on your cable or satellite […]
Hi Stargate and Farscape Fans! WormholeRiders announces a Pre Chicago Stargate 2009 Convention music news video tribute to Claudia Blacks Constellation Best Actress award! Now playing at our video archive web site is evil Quetesh and good ole Vala featuring accompaniment by 3 Oh! 3’s song ‘Don’t Trust Me’, absolutely perfect for evil Quetesh who […]
Here are the winners of Constellation Awards, notably Claudia Black and her award and those Stargate received or were nominated for! Hi Stargate and Farscape Fans! WormholeRiders sends sincere congratulations to Claudia Black for winning the Constellation Award for her portrayal of Quetesh and Vala Mal Doran in Stargate: Continuum! The […]
Hi Stargate and Science Fiction Fans! Many have wondered what some of the Stargate actors and actresses are doing now. All of us know about SGU and guest appearances by several of our favorite characters. This is the first of our new series featuring the stars of Stargate and what […]
It is with sadness that I must report that actor Jan Rubes has passes away at the age of 89. He was known to Stargate fans for his role as Nicolas Ballard, “the great explorer, the not so great grandfather” of Daniel Jackson, whom we met in the season 3 […]
His mistreatment by the writers led to the coining of the term, “Danny-whumping”. He has died more times than most fans can account for off the top of their heads, but in doing so he saved someone else. He’s a walking talking encyclopedia of historical and archeological history. He’s been […]
Who can guess were Stargate would be today without our next guests? Probably still locked up tight in MGM’s vaults, right? Together with Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright launched the SG-1 saga with high hopes and experience gained from The Outer Limits. Robert Cooper was right there with them as an […]
As someone who has dabbled in and hopes to continue to dabble in fan fiction writing for Stargate, I understand the level of talent, dedication, and perseverance it can take to write good fan fiction. For that reason, and also because I am familiar with their work, I want to […]
We’ve seen him on camera only once, but without him there might never have been a camera in the first place! He was a producer for SG-1 from 1997-2000 (37 episodes), a co-executive producer from 2000-2006 (128 episodes) and executive producer for SG-1’s final season. He was an executive producer […]