Hey Stargate Universe fans! Earlier this year CTV Canada provided news coverage of Stargate Universe after our visit to Comic Con. We had wondered where or if the interviews were still available on-line? Low and behold, our friends at MGM Studios reminded us where they were via a ‘tweet’ from Twitter! YAY! […]
Studio Series
This Creation Entertainment weekend was, well, epic. There’s not really another way to put it, except perhaps to quote my fellow reporter, Meagan, and say that it was “excellentabulously Claud-frelling-tastic”, which may be a mixture of made-up words, but at least it’s an accurate one. I doubt I’ve ever had […]
The Saturday Los Angeles convention was actually just a very long Friday! How is that possible? Wormholes! So we will start with the WormholeRiders team hanging out until all hours with fans, photographers, Cliff Simon, Ryan Robbins and a surprise appearance of Patrick Gilmore (not pictured) of Stargate Universe at […]
The Creation Entertainment Farscape Con Friday morning started kind of early for me. The WormholeRiders team had a meet up in the hotel lobby at 8 am. Once we were all introduced and sorted out our business for the day, I went to eat breakfast with the gang from claudiablackonline […]
Hey Stargate and Farscape Fans! Day one of the Creation Entertainment Los Angeles Stargate and Farscape convention has come to a roaring close! Held at the Marriot Hotel and Convention Center a hop, skip and a jump from LAX, and based on our observations and discussions with fans, a truly […]
I must admit, I am one of the many people who will be watching V The New Series without having experienced the original. Indeed, I wasn’t even born yet! The plot of V, however, is as timeless as the idea that there is life out there beyond our little solar […]
Hey V Series fans, Much to our delight, V The New Series was found in a wormhole opened only yesterday Monday November 2, 2009 just in time for a wonderful new series about to burst on the science fiction world! Once the event horizon settled, lo and behold our request […]
It’s time for the second-smallest but completely inspired panel of the Dragon*Con weekend. Seriously, whoever thought of having a panel just for Gary Jones and Colin Cunningham, I could kiss them. It gave Colin and Gary a chance to really take center-stage, while on the bigger panels they seemed to […]
October 9th marked the Season 2 premiere of Sanctuary with the thrilling episode “End of Nights Part 1.” Sanctuary’s Season 2 premiere, following Stargate Universe, was an excellent addition in reviving SyFy Fridays. It appears as though the classic Friday night line up of good sci-fi TV has finally returned! […]
The reason that Michael Shanks gets invited back to Chicago every year and is already booked for next year is downright obvious. If you can’t see why after reading this . . . go back to whatever pitiful Stargate-less planet you came from! Michael has a habit of not dressing […]