Hey Finge Fans, After our latest wonderful visit to TheFRINGEreport, we noted that FOX has upped the ante with a second Fringe Season Two Episode 15 trailer hailing the series return to the fans on April 01 with eight all new stories. As I long suspected and theorized before WormholeRiders […]
Hey Fringe Fans, Well we do not know how anyone could have missed it, but, just in case, WHR is pleased to confirm that one of o ur favorite alternate reality wormhole-related series, FRINGE has been renewed for a third groundbreaking season. First reported on Entertainment Weekly to the best […]
Hey Fringe Fanatics, With thanks to FOX for FRINGE be sure to tune in tomorrow evening for a special LIVE appearance of NaddyCat and WR_Systems at The Fringe Report! We will be discussing FRINGE theories, past and future episodes, Olivia, Peter, Walter, William Bell, Astrid, Alternate Universes, Wormholes and maybe […]
Hey Fringe Fans, The first of April will mark the return of Fringe after the arduous seven week hiatus following the “Winter Finale” of Jacksonville. As you can see in the promo below, it appears as though much of the backstory regarding Walter’s past and Peter’s true origins will be explained in […]
Hey Fringe Fans, Something we have all been waiting, in fact dying to hear about Peter Bishop Joshua Jackson from Fox Networks via our dear Fringe friend Meadow_24 (Ms. Monica Alves). Thank you Monica . Enjoy! As we proceed to the future with Fringe in our thoughts, Team WHR will […]
Fellow Fringe Fans, There is always a danger with much-hyped episodes – such as Jacksonville – that the engendered high expectations are let down; this was most assuredly not the case with this episode of Fringe. Even though I expected the big reveal at the end, though had had no […]
Hey Fringe Fans! Our thanks to the Fringe Folks at FOX Networks! Below is a preview of this Thursday’s shocking upcoming episode “Jacksonville”. The WHR news analysis is that “Jacksonville” will return the story-line to the clash between Alternate Realities as both worlds prepare for a collision that could spell […]
Well Hey Fringe Fans! A little fanatical about Fringe? Do not know what you will do during the seven hellish weeks of hiatus after the airing of this Thursday nights shocker Fringe episode on FOX Networks? Contemplating being put into that special tank in Walters Lab for a little stress relief? […]
Fellow Fringe Fans, I was really looking forward to this episode (more so than usual) because I watched them film a bit of it. As you may or may not know, Fringe is one of the many shows which films up in Vancouver and several times this season they have […]
Hello Fringe Fans, Once again an episode which starts off with a rather gruesome scene – a visibly sick man collapses in an office building and then his veins explode – What Lies Below was something of a stand-alone episode. It didn’t really further the soldiers-from-an-alternate-world storyline, but there were […]