Hey Falling Skies fans! Falling Skies, an apocalyptic science fiction drama from Dreamworks Studios, is entering its second season on TNT. It stars Noah Wyle as a father of three sons doing his best to keep them alive and fighting back against an alien invasion force. As a teacher of […]
Todd Masters
Welcome back Falling Skies Fans! Prior to the Falling Skies season one two (2) hour finale on TNT, we bring you a couple of items we would like to share and consider to be very special! First we include an extended “Mutiny” sneak peek that clearly illustrates the excitement about […]
Welcome back Falling Skies fans! Under direction of Dreamworks Television, the previous weeks episode “Sanctuary Part 1” is awesome! It seems like our survivors might be getting some help from the Seventh Mass. Well, what is left of it anyway. When we last saw our survivors, Hal Mason (Drew Roy), […]
Welcome back Falling Skies fans! We are now entering the sixth and in my opinion the critical turning point in awesome series. Unless you have been living on another planet you should know that Falling Skies has been renewed for an exciting sure to be super second season! If you […]
Welcome back Falling Skies fans! We are halfway through the season and already the TNT network has picked Falling Skies up for a second season! It certainly appears Steven Spielberg has a winner with this new show that introduces us to spider-like aliens called Skitter and their mechanical monsters the […]