Happy Holidays Science and Science Fiction Fans! We tracked Santa by NORAD on his journey knowing there was a special package he was delivering from NASA, and low and behold, look what we found in our stockings, Errrrr the WHR servers the day after Christmas! That’s right science and science […]
Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays! From everyone on the WormholeRiders News Agency Team! A hand made Ginger Bread House! If you would like to listen to our Holiday themes music and read, please right click on a news report and then open a new window or […]
Hello again Hollywood Auction, Profiles in History and Hollywood Treasure fans, The fantastic Hollywood Auction 43 auction by Profiles in History began yesterday December 17, 2010! WHR was honored to be live at this super event where season two of Hollywood Treasure was being filmed and to let you all […]
Hello Stargate Community and Stargate Universe fans, I would say good morning, but it really is not a good morning is it? We did have other news to post yesterday at 12 PM Pacific time, but frankly I did not have the heart to complete a story that was ready […]
Hello again Hollywood Treasure and rare memorabilia fans, On November 06, 2010 something wonderful happened, Hollywood Auction 42! Today we bring you a special Behind the Scenes feature about the event and the creators of the fabulous Hollywood Treasure Auctions, Profiles in History. The incredible journey of Profiles in History […]
Hello Fringe fans, We continue our new editorial series “As the Wormhole Turns” with something new that is launching Sunday December 12, 2010 at 12 PM Eastern, 9 AM Pacific time! We ask; ‘what is happening in the Fringe fandom?’ Is it something that is in response to the movement […]
Hey Science Fiction Fantasy Fans, The Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States is typically know as “Black Friday” to denote the “official” start of holiday shopping season when retailers go into the black. Other Black Friday’s in history denote a negative meaning. However, this Friday November 26, 2010 will […]
Hey Stargate Fans, As we have indicated before, we fully expected to see a return of the mutinous crew persons from Stargate Universe “Faith” who desired to remain on the planet to seek a “better life”. Well folks tonight is the night when they return to Destiny in the Stargate […]
Hello once again Stargate fans! Stargate Universe continues this evening with “Malice” on SyFy at 9 PM east and west time zones with one of the best Stargate episodes of all time across all three series and three movies. “Malice” is the second of two parts that began with “The […]
Hello once again Stargate fans! Stargate Universe continues this evening on SyFy at 9 PM east and west time zones. As Stargate Universe continued in “Aftermath”, “Awakening”, “Pathogen”, “Cloverdale”, “Trial and Error” and “The Greater Good” we experienced a continuing positive development of the story arc in general and expansion […]