NASA 101: What Every Film, Movie and Science Fiction Series Maker Should Know About Innovative NEWCOMERS!

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Happy Holidays Science and Science Fiction Fans!NASA 101 Banner. Click to visit NASA Dot Gov!

We tracked Santa by NORAD on his journey knowing there was a special package he was delivering from NASA, and low and behold, look what we found in our stockings, Errrrr the WHR servers the day after Christmas!

That’s right scClick to learn more about Warren Betts of Zoomwerks!ience and science fiction fans, we are talking about a wonderful event probing at the roots of television and movie series that need accurate foundations for their Sci-Fi productions. Therefore, we feel most fortunate to be able to bring you the NASA 101 video panels from a special science seminar conducted recently. The four videos are fascinating, featuring detailed discussions about the elemental components that make science fiction and movies and television realistic and believable.

We thank the Team at NASA and Mr. Warren Betts (above left) of ZoomWerks for their professional courtesy in providing these wonderful science related videos so we can all enjoy them!

NASA 101 was conducted on December 09, 2010 near the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California at facilities located on that revered academy of science and learning.

Click to visit and learn more about NASA JPL!

WormholeRiders News Agency had planned on attending, however due to a failure of a very expensive power supply in the primary backup San Francisco server for on-line content, we found ourselves at the San Francisco office to safeguard against data loss in case of failure of our several on-line servers located at off-site facilities. Sadly I had to cancel my trip to report LIVE on things like this:

Mars Science Laboratory image courtesy of NASA!

Click to learn more about new NASA Mars Rover at JPL!Click to learn more about John Pyper-Ferguson at IMDB!

Having been invited, but unable to attend, WHR was on conference and therefore did have a remote news support capability to provide access to the fantastic NASA video panels you will see here today. Famous actors like John Pyper-Ferguson of Caprica and actresses like Anne Lockhart of the original Battlestar Galactica (Lt. Sheba) among others were attending the festivities.

Learn more about Anne Lockhart at her official web site!NASA 101 was where scientific legends, celebrities in their own right appeared. These science giants included the likes of Michio Kaku, Science Guy Bill Nye, Bert Ulrich, James MacLean, Doug Hudgens, Pam Conrad, Chris McKay, Jen Eigenbrode, Lucy McFadden, Don Yeomans, Waleed Abdalati, Mike Freilich, Gentry Lee, Michael Meyer, and Jay Falker!

The panels were also graced with the presence of famous NASA astronauts Mike Massimino (Astro_ Click to visit & follow Patricia A. Beninati on Twitter!Mike on Twitter), Leland Melvin and Tracy Caldwell!

What was of specific interest to our news team is that producers whom we have reported on were known to be in attendance. Of whom do I speak? Our sources confirm the persons of interest were none other than one the owner of Centerboro Productions, writer, producer and director Ms. Patricia A. Beninati and partner Michael K. Anderson (not pictured).

Click to visit and follow Patti0713 of Centerboro Productions!

Team WHR has confirmed the appearance of Ms. Beninati and her partner Michael K. Anderson at the NASA 101 event is quite interesting and was in fact no coincidence! Why you may ask?

Because their production company is known to be working on several big budget movie and television productions including the The Newcomers Film and V Movie (of which Ms. Beninati is one of the producers)., DMAN and several others including movies of the week with various networks as we have previously reported.

Ms. Beninati is pictured below with NASA Astronaut Mike Massimino!

NASA 101 - Patti Beninati and Mike Massimino!
Not much has yet been released to the media about the THE NEWCOMERS FILM by Centerboro Productions. What we do know is the LOG-LINE has been released to our agency in a recent correspondence:

THE NEWCOMERS (Sci-Fi Space Action Adventure): When the Earth comes under attack, humanity’s only hope is a down-and-out former astronaut, who must struggle to save the world in its darkest hour…

(images below courtesy of Centerboro Productions).

The Newcomers Film by Centerboro Productions!

WormholeRiders News Agency has verified with Ms. Beninati that Centerboro Productions was looking in to arranging talent for the film from series including Caprica, Stargate Universe, Stargate SG-1, and SGA as well as Star Trek during the visit to the Hollywood area in Southern California the second week of December 2010. Had we been able to attend, we might have brought you interviews with more details, however WormholeRiders News Agency and our entire staff are under non disclosure about THE NEWCOMERS FILM.

The expected Press Release from Ms. Beninati of Centerboro Productions is to be made available in the near future! We can confirm however that in addition to the episodic series mentioned above, several major motion picture and other celebrities were being contacted to star in THE NEWCOMERS FILM! Stand-by for additional details soon!



In the meantime, and in addition to the NASA 101 “What Every Film Maker Should Know About The Innovative NASA” video panel series (above), Ms. Beninati has been gracious to our news agency and shared the following images below from her visit to the Jet Propulsion Lab which we include for your pleasure. Let’s see if you can recognize the noted personages in the images? We already gave you a bunch of hints, so please enjoy!


Bill Nye and guests at JPL - Image courtesy Patti Beninati!Bill Nye The Science Guy with panelists

Jason Stewart, Mike Massimno, James MacLean
Producer Jason Stewart, NASA Astronaut Mike Massimino and Producer James Maclean

Guests at JPL - Images courtesy Patti BeninatiProducers Michael K. Anderson (left), James MacLean (right) with NASA Astronaut Mike Massimino (center) at NASA 101

Noted celebrities at JPL courtesy of Patti Beninati!John Pyper-Ferguson (Caprica, BSG) and NASA Astronaut Mike Massimino

Patti Beninati in clean room at JPL!Ms. Beninati inside the labs at JPL

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or family and leave your comments! We look forward to you visiting our dedicated review and analysis web site here in the future! Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit WHR on Twitter, or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and TeamWHR look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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Chevron 7.5 - A Massive Event Indeed!

Tue Dec 28 , 2010
Hello again convention fans! CHEVRON 7.5 Firstly a huge thank you to Massive Events for pulling off yet another fantastic weekend. The guests were both funny and entertaining. We had great access to them, a real plus in my books as other events tend to herd you around with little […]
Chevron 7.5 Stargate Panel

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