Ultimate Poker Face in Support of V RPG – Feat. Lady Gaga

Hey V Fans,

Click to visit WHR on Twitter WHR is pleased to announce support of a fun Special Project during the ABC V Series Hiatus. Click the ABC logo to visit V! The Special Project is sponsored by none other than Click to visit V Series on ABCAnna the Vistor herself! Known as the V Series RP (V Role Playing), the fun has 2 flavors.

The first is on Twitter for fast fun anytime with a second version on Yahoo where longer story adventures are written by YOU the fans in role playing of the main characters of V or one of your own creation!

Click the main V Series cast image below to be whisked to Anna the Visitor Yahoo Site. Or click the characters below Anna the Visitor Marcus_Visitor, Evie Wright, Erica Evans, or Chad_Decker_WHR and all the V RPG characters on Twitter.Stand by for brand new V Series reviews as the WHR Team expands our coverage with reports written by Vala The Great, our newest reporter from the United Kingdom! More special reviews and reports during the V Series Hiatus!In the meantime, we hope to see you soon at the V Series RPG on Yahoo or Twitter. Oh and lest we forget Syfy (SciFi) UK will carry V for Euro fans! YAY!

Click to visit Anna The Visitor on TwitterClick to visit EvieWright_V_RP on TwitterClick ti vistit Marcus_Visitor on TwitterClick to visit Chad_Decker_WHR

Click to visit DarlaJacksonVRP on Twitter

These wonderful V Series role playing characters are on Twitter and Yahoo too!

Click to visit Evans_Erica RPG on TwitterClick to visit Celtica_Visitor RPG on TwitterClick to visit Zoey_Thornton-V-RPGClick to visit CapnEerySocial RPG on Twitter

Click to visit V series RPG on Yahoo!

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Fringe Review: Season 2 – Jacksonville

Sun Feb 7 , 2010
Fellow Fringe Fans, There is always a danger with much-hyped episodes – such as Jacksonville – that the engendered high expectations are let down; this was most assuredly not the case with this episode of Fringe. Even though I expected the big reveal at the end, though had had no […]
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