PSA: Support Your Local PBS Wormhole!


Hello WormholeRiders from across the globe and beyond!

We will return to our regularly scheduled programming soon with detailed reports from the Los Supergate-c5Angeles Stargate and Farscape 2009 convention! First let’s use the Stargate Supergate to travel back in time for a very special music news series, our very first  Wormhole Public Service Announcement (PSA)!

As you may be aware, WHR is a non commercial non profit based site dedicated to providing extensive coverage of science fiction Logo4conventions and franchises with a Wormhole theme. In fact KQED-PBSthere are many such programs that have captured the imaginations of tens (hundreds?) of millions (billions?) of fans across this small planet most refer to as “The Earth”. We start our very first special Wormhole PSA with classic hits from the 1960’s! For viewers overseas, please allow the six (6) player embeds to buffer completely after clicking “play” for the most enjoyable experience. And please support KQED with a donation soon. Thank you. Have fun!

So you may have thought that fan “Squeeeeee’ing” was something new eh? Keep watching and see that fan boys and girls have been doing it for decades! Also look carefully at these music news series videos and see if you can spot at least one very young but later famous television and or movie star in the audience. There will be a future FREE contest giveaway so watch closKQED-PBSely!

Now about “Squeeeeeee’ing”, WormholeRiders has chosen focus on legendary stars from the United Kingdom since three of our new reporting divisions are from the UK. We also feature music news from California bands, and one from ‘Jersey’, all of which are true historical top ranked music groups. We continue now with two fabulous all time top hits from 1964 and 1962 respectively By the way, ever heard people say they do not like Wormholes? Do not believe it! It is not true! Everyone loves Wormholes including all the big girls, and so too do the big boys! Keep dreaming of Wormholes and we thank you for supporting KQED

Little known by Wormhole fans is that your local Public Broadcasting Station also known as a PBS here in the USA have also have supported Wormholes in their programming too! How you may ask? Quite simple! Since their inception, Public Broadcasting  in KQED-PBSmany countries have featured such shows in re-runs like “The Invaders”, “Star Trek” and both the original and new “Dr. Who”! We will have more on Dr. Who soon, but today we launch our new PSA music news series. We will return from time to PSA’s for PBS’s and other not for profit organizations like KQED. Now for you the fans, here is more from the one of the towering bands that literally rocked the world! Who? You will see. They are from the United Kingdom!

Today our music news series Wormhole PSA is dedicated to one of the giants in Public Broadcasting, the fantastic KQED.Org based here in San Francisco. Having volunteered for KQED in the past, now WormholeRiders asks that you volunteer something too. Please visit KQED.Org and make a donation. Why? Today’s music nKQED-PBSews series PSA has shown you a few examples of a very special music DVD featuring some of the all time greatest artists EVER. You can get this great DVD for a rather small donation. To visit KQED, click a text link or KQED’s banner image. We end our PSA with two songs. Please support KQED and or your local PBS.These last great songs are from the the UK and one is from Los Angeles California! The last song is what WHR wants for all WormholeRiders, past, present and future. love your Wormholes, PBS, Network, Cable, Satellite, local or here at a FarGate very close by! Thank you. We will be posting more Los Angeles 2009 convention reports soon.

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Mon Dec 14 , 2009
Hi Stargate Universe and Sanctuary Fan! For those interested in such matters (that would be all Stargate Universe and Sanctuary fans!) below please the official Press Release from NBC Universal Comcast regarding the great news about the renewal of both Stargate Universe and Sanctuary on SyFy! I clearly recall last […]

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