Interview: Dean Haglund on Starhole, Los Angeles & Coolness!

Hey Stargate and X-Files fans!

During our woncreation-tvderful time at the Los Angeles Farscape Stargate 2009 convention, the great people at Creation Entertainment made this DeanHaglund-Headshot300dpinext interview possible for the fans.

Thank you Creation Entertainment for helping MeaganSue and ValaBlack arrange the interview! Who was interviewed you say?

Why of course the fantastically talented Dean Haglund of the X-Files, the great “Starhole” improvisation theater with Gary Jones and inventor of ChillPak.

Thank you Dean!



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I'm a big fan of ALL things Sci-Fi. Just to name a few, I love Farscape, Stargate (all of them), and Sanctuary! Also, going back to the good old days, Quantum Leap, Sliders, and X-Files. :D

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Happy Birthday Robin!

Thu Nov 19 , 2009
Wormholeriders would like to give a nice big birthday shout-out to Sanctuary star Robin Dunne! Robin has become very popular for his role as Doctor Will Zimmerman on Sanctuary, where Robin’s acting abilities have been a great match for Amanda Tapping’s in her role as Helen Magnus. We here at […]

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