Hey Farscape Fans, All our thanks to Creation Entertainment and the lovely and talented Virginia Hey (best known for her role as Zhaan on Farscape) for granting an interview to WormholeRiders during Farscape Con 2009. Virginia talked with us about ten years of Farscape, possible upcoming projects, her line of […]

WormholeRiders would like to give a big birthday shout-out to the lovely Ming-Na! Ming-Na is well known to Stargate fans as Stargate Universe’s Camile Wray. Word has it tha her character will be focused on in an episode in the next couple of weeks. You can follow Ming-Na and wish […]

Wormholeriders would like to give a nice big birthday shout-out to Sanctuary star Robin Dunne! Robin has become very popular for his role as Doctor Will Zimmerman on Sanctuary, where Robin’s acting abilities have been a great match for Amanda Tapping’s in her role as Helen Magnus. We here at […]

Hey Stargate and X-Files fans! During our wonderful time at the Los Angeles Farscape Stargate 2009 convention, the great people at Creation Entertainment made this next interview possible for the fans. Thank you Creation Entertainment for helping MeaganSue and ValaBlack arrange the interview! Who was interviewed you say? Why of […]


Hey Stargate and Cliff Simon Fans, As we have mentioned previously, we had the pleasure of meeting Cliff Simon (aka Ba’al in Stargate SG-1) recently at the Los Angeles 2009 Stargate Convention. During our time with Cliff and his agent, we were fortunate enough to receive his autographed picture and […]

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