Hi Stargate Universe Fans! Stargate: Universe has been widely criticized among a few viewers for its slow pace and vast differences from the other shows (and movies) of the franchise. While I concede the series was off to a relatively sluggish start, I am glad to say that trend definitely […]
Stargate Universe
Hey Stargate Universe Fans As most fans know, Stargate Universe comes back on 02 April after the painfully long hiatus with the episode Space, written by Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie. Here at WormholeRiders News Agency, we were lucky enough to be given early access to the episode, and thus what follows […]
Weir: This is it. Seriously, Doctor, calm down. You’re embarrassing me. McKay: I’ve never been so excited in my entire life Karoline: I know! Isn’t it great! *Bounce* Aloha all! I’m back and this time it’s….nah, who am I kidding, it’s not serious! I love cons, but I love […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans! The last Stargate Universe Hiatus Project chat is Friday March 26, 2010 6:00 PM PST, 9:00 PM Eastern 1:00 AM GMT for SGU fans. So far the special guests have included Josh Blacker, Brian Jacob Smith , Patrick Gilmore, Mark Savela and Herb Sommerfeld! All were […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans! Not to be let the SGU fans feel left out for the month end SciFi sweep, the creators of Stargate Universe MGM and their allies at NBC Universal and SyFy have released several fantastic promotional trailers for the return of SGU on April 02, 2010. More […]
As fans slumber on this side of the International Date Line, our good friend and fearless WHR reporter, SuperrHuman (two R’s please), will be with the Stars of the Stargate! That’s correct friends, SuperrHuman, aka Zoe is visiting stars of Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe in person! We […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans! The next Stargate Universe Hiatus Project chat is Friday March 05, 2010 6:00 PM PST, 9:00 PM Eastern 2:00 AM GMT for SGU fans. So far the special guests have included Josh Blacker, Brian Jacob Smith , Patrick Gilmore, Mark Savela and Herb Sommerfeld! All were […]
Hey Convention Fans, WHR is pleased to announce more 2010 “Live From the Convention” coverage of the SciFi Ball 16 February 12-14 2010 and Collector Mania 15 May 28-31 2010 in the United Kingdom! Click the banners below to visit these fantastic events official web pages! The events will be […]
Update: February 02, 2010 Sadly, our news sources confirm that the UK version of the SGU Hiatus Project has been canceled due to poor attendance. WHR is quite surprised at the low turn out in the UK since per capita (percentage of fans versus population) of Stargate Universe fans in […]
Hey Stargate AND Star Trek fans! WHR is pleased to announce our reporting team will be covering the Hub Stargate Science fiction Convention in Melbourne Australia featuring Richard Dean Anderson, Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Chris Judge, Dan Shea, David Nykl, Conner Trineer, AND David Blue of Stargate Universe! What a […]