Welcome Back Debris Lovers and WormholeRiders, The eighth absolutely outstanding and exciting episode of Debris, “Supernova”, was written by J.H. Wyman (Joel Wyman) and directed by Clare Kilner. Science fictions admirers recall fondly that Ms. Kilner is a talented Director from her work on Snowpiercer, Krypton, and The Alienist as […]


Hey there fans of The Vampire Diaries! Welcome back! This week’s episode, “The Reckoning,” was absolutely amazing! All the plot lines The Vampire Diaries has been weaving finally started to come together. Before beginning my review, included below courtesy of the CW Network via Hulu is the full episode. Enjoy! […]


Hey Fringe fans, While I enjoyed Monday’s episode Unearthed, I was left wondering why exactly it was aired now: watching last night’s episode Johari Window partially answered that question. There were times when I was watching the episode when the team kept referring to “government conspiracies”, and I was thinking […]


Hey Fringe Fans, First of all, to clear up any lingering confusion, this episode was a bonus un-aired episode from Season 1 of Fringe. If I hadn’t known this going into the episode, I’m sure I would have been confused, given that Charlie Francis – Olivia’s murdered FBI partner – […]


Hello Fringe fans, The focus of season 1 was primarily on establishing the characters we’ve come to know and love, as well as on the pursuit of ZFT. However, there was a shift at the beginning of season 2 to a “bigger picture” plot; that being, the inevitable conflict between […]

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